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George sat eagerly in the car, praying that the man he loves isn't dead.
"Why won't you let me see him..." he growled at his friends.

"It's not the best idea right now-" Sapnap sighed as he continued driving.
"And we are already going against his orders by taking you back home" he mumbled.

George sighed as he kept looking out the window.
"Is he back at the house?" He mumbled.

"He is but he's under going treatment so it's best if you just go to your floor." Sapnap glanced over at George with a worried look.

George winced as he curled up into a ball.
"When will I be able to see him.." he asked again for the 90th time.

"When he wakes up hopefully..." Sapnap mumbled as he was worried for his friend.

George gritted his teeth slightly.
"Why can't I see him! I should be able to see him!" He finally snapped.
"I should have a right to see my mate!... it's not fair- you guys are able to see him but I can't.."

"George we can't see him either! We are just as worried about him as you are.." Sapnap looked up in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah! But you know what happened to him! You guys aren't telling me shit about what happened! All you've said to me that he's been in an accident!" George sat up straight baring his fangs.
"It's not fair." He crossed his arms.

Karl glanced over at Sapnap trying to get him to stop from arguing with George.

Sapnap had a frustrated sigh as he looked over at George.
"He got stabbed in the ribs and shot multiple times George! Is that what you wanted to hear!" He soon pulled Into the mansion.
"He got shot along his right leg and upper shoulder."

George eyes widened slightly- multiple times..?

"Is that all?" Sapnap turned back towards the front of the car.
"Cause that's all I know" he huffed.

George could tell Sapnap was getting frustrated and upset so he just lightly nodded.
"Yeah- that's all.." he soon got out of the car and made his way towards the elevator.

.:Sapnap & Karl POV:.

"Fuck" Sapnap rested his head on the steering wheel.
"Damn it.." he mumbled to himself.

"It's okay..." Karl patted his back.
"He'll be okay.." he nudged Sapnaps side.

"Yeah but now George is upset and Dream might fucking die! How the fuck are we supposed to tell George that Dream died!" Sapnap turned to karl.
"It will fucking shatter him karl!" He snapped.

"I know.. all we can do is pray that dream will be okay.." karl lightly nodded as he lightly kissed sapnaps cheek.
"You know that."

.:George POV:.

George grabbed the keycard from the side table where Dream left it the night before.
"I'm second in command- I should be able to see him.... This is bullshit." He snapped.

He walked into the elevator, swiping his the card as he did.

"I have a right to see him.."
George walked out of the elevator and towards his and dreams room.
"You promised me you would come get me in the morning...." He wandered into his bedroom.
"You broke that promise..."

He hated when Dream broke his promises..

George quickly went into the closet and changed into a pair of shorts and T-shirt.
"I shouldn't have let him go alone..." he grabbed one of dreams hoodies.
"I should have gone with him.."

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now