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"But we have to get out outfits!" George had a slight pout, standing in the mall.
"We need them!" He perked up.

"Oh- yeah right... I totally didn't forget." Dream had an awkward chuckle, looking around.

"Well me and Karl are going to go walk around, you two have fun." Sapnap hooked hands with Karl...
"Come on Karl." He lightly tugged on karls hand.

"Okay pandas!" Karl giggled before following Sapnap.


"Weirdos" Dream sighed... shaking his head.. what strange betas.

"Dream we are worse then them" George looked up at dream.... At least Dream was worse.

"What? No we are not" Dream snaked his arm around George's waist, holding him carefully with one arm.

"Yeah we are." George scoffed, nodding.
"We are worse." He nodded his head.

"No were not" Dream rolled his eyes... swaying George around in his arms.

George laughed.... He knew they were worse.
"Come on! We need to get us outfits" he was able to slither out of Dreams grasp.

"Alright alright...slow down." Dream had a small smile form under his mask as George yanked him down the large hall.

He barely could keep up...  but George kept searching for a place they could go..

George finally dragged Dream into a store full of dresses and tuxedos...
"We need something nice" he held dreams hand.

"George, what do you expect me to do? I already have a tuxedo" Dream looked around at the different outfits.
"I have many." He hummed softly.

"No- not this one." George ignored Dreams comment as he continued looking at different tuxedos... he wanted something perfect..

"George, are you listening?" Dream tilted his head, squinting his eyes.

George continued looking... not listening to what Dream had to say.

Dream sighed, yeah- he wasn't listening.
"Pfft.." he smiled as he watched George search around, letting go of George's hand.

"THIS ONE!" George lifted up a tuxedo... startling Dream a tad bit.

"What?" Dream raised a brow, startled as George yelled..

"Here! Go try this one on!" George basically shoved the tuxedo into Dreams chest.
"You'll like it!" He smiled.

"Wait- George- I have a tux-" Dream stuttered as George shoved him toward the dressing room.... Why did George want him to wear it..?

"Shhh- go try it on." George smiled... he was excited.

Dream sighed... maybe he should try it on to make George happy.
"Fine but I'm not going to buy it" He took the tux and walked into the changing rooms.

George sat patiently outside looking around for something for himself.

He was hoping Dream was going to like it.....

George wanted to find something for himself but before he walked towards any outfits.

Dream walked out of the changing room..

George turned.. seeing the alpha wearing the tux he picked out.

 seeing the alpha wearing the tux he picked out

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My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now