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George's soul basically left his body... seriously..?

"Yeah your neck gave it away, Anyways I'm getting back to work" Sapnap shrugged, sitting up straight.

"Alright then! Have fun trying to confess your undying love for Karl" George decided to speak up.. smirking faintly..
"Good luck~" he teased.

"GEORGE! STOP IT!" Sapnap turned and snapped back at George.

"Oh? lil sappy nap has a crush on Karl?" Dream raised an brow, smirking a little.
"Who knew.." he has known for a long time.

Sapnap covered his face.
"Oh my god, I'm trying to work! Stop!" He groaned- flustered by the two.

"I see you sapnap" Dream looked Sapnap up and down, grinning a little.
"Trying to do stuff during work hours." He hummed.

"SHUSH, shut the fuck up!" Sapnap pinched the bridge of his nose, waving his other hand.

"What's going on?" Karl walked out of the elevator holding some papers in his hand.... Having a confused look.

"Nothing!" Sapnap turned to Karl quickly.
"They were just going to bed" he turned and glared at the two.

"No we weren't?" Dream looked confused- they weren't planning on going to bed.

"Yes you are." Sapnap scrunched his nose as he continued to glare at the two.

"Alright.. come on georgie" Dream pulled George close...

"Aww what a shame, I was gonna ask if you want to watch this new movie I got" Karl pouted slightly, holding the dvd.

"You know, I think a few more hours of staying up won't hurt" George looked up at dream, smirking a little.

"I don't see why not" Dream shrugged.
"But can you both get my blankets from my old room?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure! Come on Sapnap" Karl turned pulling Sapnap into the elevator.

"Okay okay! Slow down!" Sapnap was yanked into the elevator.
"Calm down!" He stumbled..

As Dream made sure they were gone before he got up- walking away.

"Where are you going?" George looked up at Dream, having a confused look.
"Dream?" He mumbled.

"I'm getting you clothes" Dream walked over to the bedroom- leaving George alone.
"You need them." He smiled too himself.
"Can't let others see you."

"Okay!" George alone for a few moments, looking around the room.
"This place is nice." He mumbled for the millionth time.

After a few moments Dream came out with a t-shirt and some shorts.

"Here, I hope this is okay" Dream passed George the shorts and t-shirt- glancing over at the tv.
"It's what you usually wear.@

"Mhm" George nodded as he put on the shirt and the shorts, standing up in the process.
"Thank you" he smiled.

Dream laid himself down on the opposite side of the couch and looked over at George.
"I prefer you in shorts" he tilted his head slightly.

George looked up at Dream.
"Why's that?" He looked at Dream confused- why did Dream prefer him in shorts...?

"You have a nice ass" Dream smirked slightly, lifting up his hand.
"It brings out your ass a lot" he pointed.

"Oh my god" George covered his face before flopping back down onto the couch.
"Why." He groaned quietly.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now