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"So where are we going?" George twirled on his feet in the garage waiting for Dream.
"I'm excited." He smiled.

"Dunno, let's go to town and walk around" Dream chuckled having his hands in his pockets.

"Alright!" George giggled softly, excited to spend time with dream.
"Sounds exciting." He hopped into the passenger side of the car.

Dream got in the drivers side of the car.

"Can we get McDonald's?" George turned to Dream with a large smile across his face.
"Pleaseee" he smiled.

"Oh my god" Dream chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yes we can get McDonald's." He nodded.

"LETS GO!" George raised his arms in the air and cheered.
"Ow-" he grabbed his shoulder.

"What's with you and McDonald's" Dream lightly shook his head as he started up the car.
"Why do you like it so much?"

"Well I never got to have McDonald's when I was younger..so I'm just excited to have some now" George smiled over at Dream.

"Well I'll get you McDonald's every once in awhile cause too much of it can make you very sick...and I don't want you getting sick anymore, we already have to look out for your ankle" Dream pulled out of the driveway and made his out of the mansion.
"And shoulder."

George nodded before looking ahead.
"So what part of town are we going?" He smiled.

"The nice part of town don't worry" Dream rested his hand on the dash board.
"I'm not taking you anywhere that's dangerous" he hummed.

"Alright" George nodded, glancing out the window.

.:time skip: town:.

"We are here George, are you ready? " Dream parked the car and got out of the vehicle.

"Mhm!" George got out of the passenger seat and shut the door behind him.

Dream shut the drivers side door and locked it before making his way over to george.
"Hello love~" he held George's waist pulling him in.

George smiled before wrapping his arms around Dreams neck.
"Hello Dream" he gave the alpha a quick peck.

"You ready to walk around?" Dream tilted his head slightly.
"There shouldn't be many people out" he glanced around.

"Mhm!" George nodded repeatedly- he loves going out with Dream.
"It's nice being able to wander." He hummed.

"Alright let's go" Dream let go of George's waist an wandered up ahead, nudging his head.

"Wait up!" George quickly caught up to Dream, limping a little.
"I'm slow!" He frowned.

"Then keep up slow poke" Dream laughed as he looked over at George.
"I'm not slowing down."

"Yea yea" George rolled his eyes before walking next to dream.
"You're not the one with a sprained ANKLE."

Dream smiled, glancing ahead... he hummed.

George glanced down at dreams hand.. his had looks so lonely.

He slid his hand into Dream, tangling there fingers together.

"I shouldn't even be walking" George was trying to come up with an excuse for Dream to pick him up.
"My ankle hurts."

"Do you want me to carry you?" Dream raised a brow, looking over at the omega next to him.

"Yeah!" George turned his gaze at Dream, nodding.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now