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"There here sir." Kino tried to act serious, having her hands by her side.

Atlas was trying to hard to hold in her laugh in, snickering a little...

"Shhh, shut the fuck up!" Kino elbowed atlas in the gut, trying not to laugh.
"Don't laugh,"

Dream pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Just bring them in already." He huffed.. he doesn't want them near here.
"And stay away from here:"

Atlas and kino nodded before walking back out of the meeting room.

A few moments later two alphas and a beta walked in.

"Hello Phil." Dream gave the first alpha a respected nod... interlocking his fingers together.
"Techno." He gave the other alpha a respected nod.

".... puffy." He looked over at.. her for a second before looking back at Phil and techno.

"Hello Dream, sorry for the sudden meeting." Phil sat down at the table, waving his hand.
"I know you are quite busy." He sighed.

"It's alright but may I ask what this is about?" Dream tilted his head as he looked at the notes on his desk.
"This was very sudden."

Phil looked over at techno.

"It's about schlatt." Techno looked over at Dream, speaking firmly.

"If this meeting is about that hes returned, I'm more then aware he's back-" before Dream could continue Phil pushed the ring forward.

The blonde stared at the ring.. how did they-

"How did you-" Dream looked at the ring before looking back at puffy.

Puffy looked down at her feet not saying a word.

"Hear us out first....we teamed up with schlatt and once we heard his plan to kidnap-" Phil was cut off but Dream.

"Can we not bring up the hole me getting kidnapped part" Dream pinched the bridge of his nose.
"That's embarrassing." He growled.

"What? You got kidnapped by schlatt!" Puffy spoke up, her eyes widening.
" are you okay-" before puffy could continue Phil put his hand up making puffy stop talking.

"You got kidnapped by schlatt?" Phil raised a brow.. rather concerned.

"Isn't this what you meant about the plan to kidnap?" Dream furrowed his brows, looking at the few.

Techno shook his head.
"No." He crossed his arms.
"It's not."

"Then who?" Dream straightened himself up... standing up straight.

"George.. is your- friend? if I'm correct? We heard that he was trying to kidnap George after the hole ring incident." Phil did not know who George exactly was... but they have heard of them.

"How do you know for sure it's George he's going after." Dream clutched his first slightly out of stress... soon growing paranoid.

"He has brunette hair, one blue and brown eye.. about 5'7-5'8" techno looked down at a piece of folded paper.

Dream was deeply concerned at this point.... Was Schlatt coming back for George....?

"Don't worry..:we are on your side for this, we may be criminals but schlatt... he's an entirely different breed.. I thought teaming up with him would be good but .. he's insane.." Phil pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We need to kill him." He looked up at dream.
"We really do."

"Yeah-" Dream bit his thumb as he nodded... beginning to stress a lot out.

"It might be best if we bring George into the conversation to figure out everything, if your okay with it of course." Phil wanted to figure everything out.
"You can bring your men if you need too- but I really must figure out how to kill Schlatt."

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now