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For sequel it's going to be a lot more 'mafia vibes' because this hasn't really been the most- full on mafia story, but it going to have a lot more action.

And the long awaited chapter, there Finna be a lot of action.

The final chapter :0 gaspppp

Don't worry though, the sequel will probably come out tomorrow or tonight.

Dream quickly cocked his pistol before he slid it in his holster that was resting on his right thigh.

"Do you have to go..?" George anxiously held zuma, leaning against the closet door frame.. he was nervous.

Dream nodded.
"This might be our one shot to kill Schlatt.." he pulled out some ammo and put it in his pocket.
"And I will do whatever it takes to kill him and make sure you guys are safe." He turned to George having a small smile.
"And end this sex trafficking.. and all this bullshit."

George had a small nod.
"Just be safe..?" He had a small smile as he pushed himself off the door frame.

"I always am.." Dream walked over and planted a kiss on George's lips.

"That's a lie." George had a faint chuckle.
"You get cocky and reckless." He twirled his fingers around a strand of Dreams hair.

"Okay- that was one time." Dream huffed with a smile across his face.
"But I will make sure too be okay, I have my entire team with me." He rolled his eyes.

"Good.. because I swear to god if something happens too you.." George little mumbled as he looked down, his tone lowering.
"I will kill whoever hurts you..." he mumbled.

"I'll be fine darling." Dream tilted George's chin up.. it was cute how protective his omega is.
"I won't be alone.. foolish will be with me." He kissed George on the forehead.

George just faintly nodded as he held zuma close.
"Please come home.." he nuzzled into dreams chest, getting his sweet omega scent on Dreams chest.

"If something does happen to me though... I want you to take my card.. and everything you can with you.. go somewhere far away and safe.." Dream pulled out his card and gave it to George.
"Keep zuma safe.."

"This doesn't help with my anxiety Dream! This makes me want to make you stay!" George anxiously looked at the card then back up at Dream... this isn't something he wanted to here.

"I know.." Dream rested his hand on George's cheek.
"I'll be back by morning alright..?" He caressed his thumb along George's cheek line.

George had a small nod before leaning into dreams chest.
"Please come home..."

"I will darling." Dream had a faint chuckle.
"But just in case... take these." He pulled out a gun and a knife.

George carefully took the two from Dream.
"Okay..." he hesitantly took the two from Dream.

"Stay down here where it's safe, a few of Hannah guards are going to keep watch, they have a keycard just in case if something happens and you need someone." Dream ruffled zumas hair.

George nodded..
"Alright.." he frowned.

As Dream was about to say another word his watch alarm went off.

He looked at his wrist..

11:00 pm.

"I gotta go now darling.. Schlatts shipments are coming in any moment now." Dream backed up from George, adjusting his gear all over him,

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now