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"What kind of deal?" Dream raised a brow, clicking his tongue.

"I will stop trying to kill you every chance I get if.. you completely a small task for me" Hannah leaned back in her chair.
"A small one." She tapped the desk.

"Tch... what 'small' task" Dream crossed his arms leaning back.

Hannah flicked up a small piece of paper between her two fingers.
"I need you to kill someone for me." She spoke firmly.
"That's it."

Dream tilted his head slightly to the side.
"That depends who." He looked at the photo in Hannah's hands.

"There is some guy that owes me a lot of money.. I need you to go and either get my money or kill him." Hannah put the picture of him down on the table.
"He's an alpha and is about 6'2.. with black hair and grey eyes.. he has a scar running down from his eye to his lip."

"And you want me to deal with this why? Cant the black rose mafia deal with it" Dream couldn't understand why out of all things that's what Hannah wants.

"We've tried.. trust me.. he always find some way around our plans." Hannah sighed.
"We have someone in our ranking at the moment telling him our every move.. so if I move it over too you and your squad might be able to catch him while I deal with the snitch."

Dream thought for a moment.
"Is it just one person.. or is there more." He tapped the bottom of his mask.

"For now we only know of one.. but he probably is forming a group.. if you're able to kill him, I will not try and kill you and you will have half of the cut." Hannah straightened herself out.

Sapnap and Wilbur passed a few worried glances.

"Fine, but I need as much information as you have on him and if I help you out on this.. you have to help me take out schlatt" Dream moved some papers to the side.

Hannah nodded.
"I don't like schlatt either, I'll definitely help you out on it." She growled to herself.. she hated Schlatt.

"Dream- you can't be serious? You have so much work as it is!" Sapnap turned to Dream.
"We can't do this." He shook his head.

"And I'll catch up on it." Dream tapped his fingers on the desk.
"So I assume you will be sending me the information later this evening." He turned back at Hannah.

Hannah nodded before standing up.
"I'll give the information to puffy later tonight to give to you" she agreed.

"Alright.. I'll be in contact later this week regarding this situation" Dream adjusted his blazer sleeve.
"I don't mind."

"Till we meet again." Hannah gave a respected bow before leaking the office.
"Dream." She growled.

"That- went better then I expect." Puffy glanced over at Dream.

"Mhm.." Dream nodded before looking down at the piles of paper on his desk.
"In the meantime of you waiting here.. you should go get the information needed from Hannah."

Puffy sighed.
"Dream you can't hold a grudge against me forever" she said firmly.

"Yes, yes I can."'Dream glanced up at puffy.
"You abandoned me and foolish and gave us a ring that put us all in danger, I can definitely hold a grudge against you." He growled.

Puffy just sighed once more before getting up.
"I'll go get the information from Hannah" she quickly made her leave.

"Jesus dude- don't you think your a little bit.. you know- harsh on her?" Sapnap rubbed the back of his head.
"You know that?"

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now