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George glanced around at the different stores, admiring them all happily.

Dream walked around not far behind George.
"Find anything yet?" He looked around.

"No.." George muttered as he slowed down so Dream could catch up.
"There's not really any baby stuff around here..." he frowned.

"We will find something, don't worry love." Dream gently kissed George on the forehead.
"Even if we have to order it online." He slid his hand into George's.

George interlocked his fingers with Dream.
"Doesn't Sapnap and wilbur manage the shipments?" He slowly cocked a brow.

"I'll just get Sapnap to sneak it by Wilbur or something." Dream shrugged as they both continued walking.
"He does it all the time for me." He smiled.

George felt relieved.

They both continued walking down the side walk, looking in a few shops as they did.

"Yeah, I was thinking we could do a modern kind of aesthetic for there room, so it would match the rest of the house." George smiled as he glanced over at Dream.

"As long as I can spend as much money as I want for setting up the room." Dream chuckled as he put his other hand in his pocket.
"I want to make sure it's nice and safe." He nodded.

George had a faint nod.
"Oh! We can also!-" before he could continue there was a lot of commotion coming from ahead of them.

It wasn't bad-.. it was good!

The two glanced forward, confused.

There was an alpha male on his knee proposing to a female beta.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive.. and marry me?" The alpha said, holding the ring up to the beta.

"Oh my god! Yes!!" The beta smiled as the alpha slid the ring on her finger.

The two soon quickly pulled each other in for a passionate kiss.

Every around them was congratulating the two newly engaged couple.

Dream tilted his head confused before glancing down at George... he didn't understand.

George looked at the two in awe, he was happy for them, he smiled as the two continued to have there wonderful moment.

Dream looked at George confused then back at the newly engaged couple, then back at George.



Dream had a faint chuckle until it snapped into his mind- marriage-

A bunch of questions flooded his mind in that moment-

Does george want to get married?!

Or- was he just happy for them-?!

No- wait-.. I think george wants to get married- uh- should I ask???

No, that would just make things awkward-

Dream could barley think in that moment.

George chuckled before glancing back at dream.
"Dream? You ready to continue walking?" He smiled.

Dream snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at george.
"Uh- yeah! Yeah let's continue." He quickly nodded.
"Let's continue."

George nodded as he walked ahead, passing the newly engaged couple.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now