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"Yeah we're just gonna walk back." Dream chuckled as he slid his hands in his pockets, looking back towards Sam.
"Don't worry." He nodded.

"You sure?" Sam tilted his head... he was the only one sober enough to drive the rest.
"It's your birthday- we can drive." He frowned.

"Mhm, it's only a thirty minute walk." Dream shrugged, resting his hands on his hips.
"We will be fine." He hummed.

Sam nodded.
"Alright, you two have fun." He slid his way back into the limo.
"Call if you need anything."

Dream nodded before turning around and walking down the side walk, George soon following.

"Sooo...?" George glanced up at Dream very confused.

"What?" Dream looked over at George, why was he staring at me like that.
"What is it?" He hummed.

"Is there something on your mind..? Why are we walking home?" George tilted his head confused, wrapping his arm around dreams.

"Dunno.. just wanted some fresh air I guess." Dream shrugged... taking a deep breath..
"Why? Do you want me to call Sam and tell us to come pick us up?"

George shook his head.
"No no, I prefer walking" he smiled, pacing next to Dream.

"You do?" Dream raised a brow as he looked over at George.

"Mhm, we barely go out often so I'm glad we're walking home together"George rested his head on dreams shoulder.
"It makes me happy." He hummed.

Dream smiled softly.
"Well I thought it would be nice." He adjusted his mask.

George nodded.
"It is nice." He let go of Dreams arm.
"I like this idea."

The two kept walking in comfortable silence.

During the walk...dream thought of the day where he first met George.. and how he gave him the option to leave.

"George, why did you decide to stay?" Dream decided to break the silence, looking over at George as he did, he was just curious is all.

"What do you mean?" George looked at Dream confused.

Dream tried to think of the right words to say.
"The day we met, I gave you the chance to leave.. why did you stay." He wanted to know.

George shrugged... he knew.
"I had no one waiting for me at home, so what was the point on going back." He looked ahead of him.
"Plus... the room was nice." He mumbled very quietly.

Dream broke into a long wheeze.
"You stayed because the room was NICE?!" He couldn't stop laughing- George decided to stay because the room was nice.
"I could have been some more evil alpha that could use you for your body- and you stayed because the room was nice?!"

"Yeah." George looked back at Dream.
"Its a lot better then my apartment... and I actually have someone to talk too..."

Dreams wheeze soon faded into a smile.
"Well I'm glad you stayed." He ruffled George's hair.
"Really glad."

"Me too, even though you were a complete dick head then, im glad I stayed too." George lightly skipped, continuing to wander.

"I'm working on it, I'm not used to having people stay around for this long." Dreams smile grew as he looked up at the stormy sky.
"Ah shit, it looks like it's going to rain."

George's smile grew as he skipped ahead, spinning as he did.

"What are you doing?" Dream tilted his head to the side, what is George doing.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now