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George gripped his shoes firmly as he hopped to put them on.
"Stupid shoe!" He mumbled.

"George- it's best if you stay here- we will look for him-" Wilbur sighed as he watched George stumble around the living room.

"I know where he is! I'll go find him!" George snapped as he slid over dreams hoodies.
"Give me the keycard Wilbur" he piped up.

Wilbur sighed.. shaking his head.
"Dream gave us an order to keep you safe by all means necessary-" he crossed his arms firmly.

"Well fuck dreams orders! I am second in command at this moment and I order you to give me the damn keycard" George spoke in a firm tone- with a slight growl.

Wilbur looked stunned for a moment... but- he wasn't going to let him leave.
"I'm sorry George, but Dream gave me an order." He sighed.

George scrunched his nose as he stomped over to Wilbur.
"Please..." he sighed...

Wilbur shook his head still.

George quickly hugged Wilbur.
"Let me go find him.." he ruffled his hands behind wilburs back

Wilbur was confused why George was hugging him.
"My apologies George but I can't let you do that" He moved George away.

"Fine." George fake whimpered as he walked towards the elevator.

Wilbur dusted himself off, trying to get George's scent off him so Dream doesn't kill him on the spot.

He patted his pockets soon after trying to look for the keycard.

"Bye!" George giggled as he leaned against the elevator wall.
"You can help yourself to the fridge."

Wilbur quickly turned around to see the omega sitting in the open elevator.
"GEORGE!" He yelled running over to the now closing elevator.

He must have stole the keycard when he hugged him- that bastard...

George just gave Wilbur a smug grin as the elevator door closed.
"Bye bye." He waved.

"Fuck!" Wilbur was now stuck down here.

.:George POV:. Outside .:.

George soon ran out into the garage, he knew where Dream must have gone.. it's the only place that has fresh air...

He ran into the pouring rain, sprinting his way down the road towards the flower field.

"Slow ass legs!" George was sprinting fairly fast but he was now slower due to the pregnancy.
"Come on." He wanted to find the alpha...

He hopped the fence the best he could.. being careful before sliding down the small hill.

"ACK-" George was basically drenched as he made it too the field.. he soon saw Dream standing shirtless in the rain...

.: Dream and George POV :.

Dream walked along the wet side walk, he didn't even bother to get shoes on- or a shirt for that matter.
"Fucking dumbass." He muttered as he continued walking down the side walk, stepping in most puddles in his way, he didn't care.

He bandages started to soak up the rain that drizzled down dreams back.

"You're just as bad as he was..." Dream mumbled as he easily hopped the fence, nearly sliding down the muddy hill.
"God.. I am awful-"

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now