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After a nights rest... or- days rest?

George woke up in a rush practically as he felt like he was going to throw up..
"Jesus-" he covered his mouth as he sat up.

"That's what happens when you drink almost a full bottle of vodka." Dream had a deep chuckle... he woke up not long ago.
"Or whatever you drank..." he woke up earlier to keep an eye on George.

George took a few deep breaths.. making sure not to throw up-
"Mhm-" he smiled softly.
"Yeah... I guess so.."

Dream sat up.. looking over at the omega next to him.. noticing George looking at the door.

"I'm I allowed to go on a walk outside?" George turned back to Dream, rubbing his eyes softly.
"I wanna get fresh air." He softly smiled.

"Not without me." Dream sat up leaning..against the head board.
"Remember, you can't go out alone." He didn't want George getting hurt

"So then...wanna go for a walk?" George stretched as he got out of bed.
"I wanna go to the flower field down the road" he pointed at the door.

"It's literally almost one am George." Dream was confused why the omega wanted to go so late at night.
"Seriously..?" He blinked.

"And? Get up!" George quickly went towards the closet, still feeling a little dizzy.... Stumbling a bit.

Dream blinked a few times before getting up.
"Why is he always so full of energy.." he made his way towards the closet.

.:George POV:.

George quickly changed into just some normal skinny jeans and black hoodie- something basic.. cause he didn't want to ruin any of his nice clothes in case he threw up.

"Why do you always have so much energy.." Dream yawned as he wrapped his arms around George's shoulder, resting his head on the omegas.

"Dunno..But I really want to go outside" George giggled as he leaned into Dreams chest, holding his arms up.
"I just had the urge too." He nodded.

Dream thought for a moment.....George has barley been outside recently..
"Alright, I'll get ready" he let go of George and grabbed some casual clothes... he wasn't going to wear anything fancy.

George quickly nodded... making his way out of the closet and onto the bed- he gave Dream space to change.

He laid down.. getting comfortable on the bed..

"Wow, you wake me up to go outside and now your going back to bed" Dream lightly scoffed as he adjusted his sleeves- walking out of the closet.

"I was only waiting" George quickly hopped off the bed.
"Now come on!!" He pulled at Dreams wrist.

"Okay okay! Slow down! I just woke up" Dream stumbled on his feet, grumbling.
"I'm not very energetic." He yawned.


"Lets walk there!" George basically twirled himself around as he ran into the garage- excited and hyper out of his mind.

Dream smiled as he watched George....he's never seen George so happy in the morning- Err.. well? Night?
"Why are you so happy to go outside? Didn't you say you hated going outside in the past."

George looked back at Dream with a smile.
"Well now that I don't have to worry about random alphas trying to mate with me cause Im an omega! I have my mate to protect me from them" he giggled whilst his smile widening.
"Plus I haven't been outside for awhile" 

Dream felt heart warmed as he followed george... he was glad to hate a mate.

After they made there way out of the mansion.. and calmly walked along the side wall..

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now