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After awhile Dream and George decided to walk around town- they wanted to spend time with one another..

"So why are we here again?" George looked up at Dream as they wandered down the sidewalk, confused why Dream wanted to walk.

"Well I felt like since we were already out we could go for a walk around town, maybe buy a few things" Dream shrugged as he had his hands in his pockets- he looked like a normal person..... other then all the scars on his face.

"The walking part sounds nice" George giggled as he continued walking next to Dream, eyeing around them.

"Mhm, let's check out this store." Dream nudged his head over to a store with a few clothes and trinkets.

"Ooo! Okay!" George quickly made his way into the store.
"I'm going to go look at the clothes!" He turned back to Dream before making his way to the isle.

"Mhm, I'll be over here." Dream pointed to some random isle.
"Call me if you need anything." He was keeping a watch out for anyone bad to walk in the store.

.:George POV:.

George walked down the isle looking around at the other clothing.
"Hmm..." he kept his eye on the clothes.
"These clothes aren't my style.."

He was trying to find some decent looking clothes that didn't cost a fortune to pay for.

George continued walking but eventually bumped into some random person.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I should have looked where I was going!" George quickly apologized, at this point he has a reputation of accidentally running into people in isles.... He needs to pay attention more in front of him.

"It's fin- George?"

George snapped his head over, noticing the familiar- SERIOUSLY?!

Aiden raised a brow, turning around and seeing George.

Why is it always him I run into?!

George looked up and cursed under his breath.
"Oh fuck..." he lightly mumbled... rubbing his forehead.

"Hi?" Aiden blinked, a little confused.

"Hey- Aiden" George rubbed the back of his head.
"Sorry... again." He muttered.

Aiden chuckled slightly.
"It seems we always bump into each other, what a coincidence" he turned himself around, facing George.

"Yeah- what a coincidence.." George turned his gaze back at the clothes, trying to ignore him the best he good.

"So what have you been up too?" Aiden laid against a pole, crossing his arms.
"I didn't think you shopped this- early in the morning."

George didn't want to tell Aiden much about his personal life..due to the fact he barley knew him.
"Not much, me and Dream have been hanging out lots" he smiled at the thought of Dream.

"That's your- new boyfriend correct..?" Aiden tilted his head slightly, frowning a little.
"I think I remember him-" he growled under his breath.

"Yeah, he's my mate." George picked out a few random clothes.
"Anyways- what have you been up too." He looked at the skirt he picked out.

"Eh, here and there..that's a nice skirt, it would look good on you" Aiden pushed himself off the pole, looking George up and down.
"You should buy it."

"Oh- uh- thanks.." George mumbled before lowering the skirt to his hip.

"Theres a store not to far from here that sells nice skirts and tops, so maybe we could get some coffee and check it out?" Aiden shrugged slightly.
"Your free correct? Like nothing on your schedule today"

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now