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George woke up sore from falling asleep in the closet, he was sweating... and tired

"Fuck.." George pushed himself off the ground and made his way over to where he kept his supplements near his bed.

He took a piece and gulped it down.

"Stupid heat bullshit." George mumbled before making his way out of his room.
"Fucking omega.."

What am I even supposed to do, I'm not allowed to leave my floor... or do anything.

George sighed before just flopping onto the large L shaped couch.
"Oh.. he brought the comforter." He noticed a large comforter.

He didn't want Dream on his mind at all so he just ignored it and covered himself with the comforter and grabbed the remote before turning the tv on, watching something random.

After awhile Karl came in with a plate.
"Hello George" he giggled softly.. his smile growing.

George jumped slightly and looked over at Karl.
"Oh hey Karl, how come your here?" He furrowed his brows.

"Dream wanted me to bring down your breakfast since he thought you didn't want to come up and have breakfast." Karl walked over passing George the plate of food.
"Since last time-"

Yeah I don't want to see him.....

"Oh well thank you" George smiled slightly before eating a piece of toast.
"I appreciate it.."

"Did something happened between you and mr boss man?" Karl flopped down on the opposite side of the couch.

"No, nothing happened" George shook his head as he continued to eat his breakfast, but he knew at some point he'd have to talk to Dream about it... unless Dream sells him first- either one is bad.

"Well alright, I have some work to do so I'll probably be back later!" Karl sat up and made his was back to the elevator.

George sighed but continued watching his show.
"Mhm.. good luck..." he mumbled.


This continued for a few days, Karl came and gave him Breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past week-

The omega and alpha refused to see one another.... Well mostly George refused to see Dream at all.

.:Dream POV:. A few days later.

"What do you mean you can't bring George's lunch down?" Dream turned back to Karl, growling.
"He needs it!" He snapped.

"Me, Sapnap and Wilbur have a mission today remember?" Karl sighed, resting his hands on his hips.
"So you're gonna have to bring it down for him" he knew something was up.

"Cant Punz or Tommy do it" Dream didn't want to go confront George about the matter.
"I can't."

"You really want Punz to bring it too george," karl had an unimpressed look on his face.
"You're an idiot"

Dream sighed.
"Cant you do it before you go." He tapped his forehead.

Karl shook his head firmly.
"We are leaving now, so you are gonna have to be the one to bring his food down" He turned and walked out of the dining room.

Dream sighed as he looked at George's plate across the table.
"Damn it." He mumbled.

I guess he has to talk to George today.

.:George POV:.

George sat along the pond edge feeding the koi some random bread bits he found in the cupboards.
"Here you go... you must be hungry." He smiled.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now