Chapter 37

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"Lets see here" the DR said pulling the paper with the results out, his face dropped for a second before he regained composure. "Well this is odd, I've heard about this happening but I've never actually seen it" he said, taking a long pause.

"Before I get ahead of myself let me explain how this test works" he cleared his throat, he was obviously trying to stall which only made your hands shake more. "DNA is collected from the Mother with a simple blood draw and from the potential father with a cheek swab. We then send those samples to be tested, the test uses the free-floating fetal DNA in the plasma and compares it to the mothers DNA. We make a DNA profile based on that and compare it to the Fathers DNA to check for matches. The tests will either show a 0% or a 99%, 0 being not the father, 99 being the father" he explained, he stopped making sure you were following along.

"Based on your face I'm going to guess it says 0%" Kakashi stated.

"Not exactly....." the DR paused again, looking at your confused faces. "The test shows 99% on one of the babies but a 0% on the other" he finally said. The room fell eerily silent, no one moved or even breathed for a second. You shook your head aggressively trying to make sure you weren't dreaming, the words he just said couldn't possibly be real, right?

"I don't understand" you said with your voice raised. "Are you saying that my twins have different fathers? How does that make any sense at all?" you let out a crazy sounding chuckle.

"Its not a very common thing to happen but its not unheard of. Basically your body dropped two eggs, and both were fertilized but by different men. It was close enough together, I'm guessing within a few days, and both pregnancy's took. So they are technically twins but will be closer to fraternal twins, meaning they most likely will not look alike unless they take more after you." he explained.

You pressed your fingertips hard into your forehead, trying to make sense of what he just said. The realization then hit you, you wouldn't be able to test Itachi's DNA. You would have to get Genma's and when it didn't match, which you for some reason knew it wouldn't, you would then know that the other baby was Itachi's. Your breath became ragged and you could feel an anxiety attack starting to take over your body.

"Can we have the room for a minute Sir?" Kakashi asked the DR, he gave a quick nod and excused himself. He turned to you and instantly became worried, you looked on the brink of freaking out. Your entire body was shivering, eyes darting back and forth as you struggled to catch your breath. He walked over pulling your hands from your face and pulled you into a hug.

"Calm down please, everything is okay" he tried soothing you, rubbing small circles on your back.

"I know its his" you said with a weird terrified chuckle.

"We don't know that for sure, and if that is the case it'll be fine. I was fully prepared for the possibility that neither were mine" he pulled back from you and lifted your chin so your eyes could meet his. "Let's take this one step at a time, we will test Genma's DNA and if it matches".

"It wont" you blankly stated.

"Either way we will know, if it doesn't match then we will figure out together what to do. But for now please just focus on the fact that both of them are healthy, and boys" he said a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I guess I always knew they were boys, he had shown me our home and children with genjutsu. He had shown them as two small beautiful boys, and that always seemed right to me" you explained. Kakashi nodded along to what you were saying, you hadn't talked much about your experience with Itachi so he didn't want to interrupt.

"That sounds really nice" he said pulling you back in and kissing your forehead. You began to calm down in his arms, slowly regaining your breath and getting your heartbeat to a normal level.

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