Chapter 74

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Sitting alone in Genma's house just felt wrong, it was too quiet and the weight of the conversation clung to all the dark corners of the home like ghosts stalking in the night. The conversation felt like the end, but he didnt say it, so with the tiniest bit of hope left in your now broken heart you pushed up from the table.

You moved to walk towards the front door when the sound of fluttering wings against glass caught your attention. The fear gripped you instantly and moving very slowly your turned around, there at the window towards the back of the kitchen you could see the culprit. The bird sat on the small ledge, its wings fanned out and flapping against the glass like it wanted your attention. You walked to the back door and against your better judgement opened it.

"Boo!" he laughed as he poked his head in the door freezing you in place

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"Boo!" he laughed as he poked his head in the door freezing you in place. His swirled mask was instantly recognizable, he swished his cloak around as he cackled before stepping into the home and shutting the door behind him.

"You are not welcome here" you said and took a few steps back, your muscles tightening ready for a fight.

"Awe! That's not very nice!" he teased. "I came here to give you news and this is how you treat and old friend?" he gasped placing his hand against his heart like he was hurt.

"Friends? I don't even know you!" you said confused.

"Yes you do, I introduced myself, don't tell me you forgot" he laughed as if that was the most ridiculous thing in this situation.

"This is stupid, just tell me what you want and leave" you commanded hoping he would falter with your bravery.

"I don't know if I should tell you now...... I was trying to be nice and you've hurt my feelings" he pretended to sniffle.

"Then I'm leaving" you moved to turn but a kunai hit the tip of your boot locking it in place and making your heart beat spike.

"Id stay and listen if I were you" he said much more serious, his voice had completely changed as if he was a different person. His presence also changed, growing more dark and choking out the air in the room. With a slight pause you turned back towards him fully and met his eye.

"I'll listen but show me your face then, if were friends I should recognize you right?" you asked.

"Not until you apologize silly!" he teased.

"Sorry i was mean" you choked out.

"Yay!" he cheered back to his playful personality. "Would you like to know the secret now?" he asked. He moved his mask slightly to the side revealing part of his face but you still didn't recognize him.

 He moved his mask slightly to the side revealing part of his face but you still didn't recognize him

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"yes" you responded curtly.

"Say please!" he snickered.

"Yes...... please" you said gripping your hands into tight fists.

"Well since you asked so nicely! The secret is that your little birdy is nearing his end" he said shaking his head as if he was sad.

"I already know that, he has been sick for awhile." you countered.

"Oh but its not the sickness that will kill him, family can be difficult sometimes" he said with a shrug.

"Your saying that Sasuke is going to kill Itachi soon, right?" you asked to clarify.

"Oh yes, very soon, hope you said goodbye" he snickered.

A flash or rage hit you like white hot lightening so without thinking you reached down grabbing the kunai and aimed to strike him in the center but your hand went directly through his body. His hand gripped your throat and your eyes shot open in terror.

"You really need to learn some manners, stabbing people is not very nice" he teased and then disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if he was sucked into a black hole. Your survival instincts went into overdrive and you ran for the door incase he wasn't really gone. Flinging it open you ran face first into Kakashi knocking you both to the ground.

"He's here!" you shouted, you crawled off his body and tried to get back to your feet but stumbled. Kakashi caught you in his arms and pulled you into his lap, his arms  locking yours to your sides.

"Who?" he asked, his voice was stern and scared.

"Tobi, the one who attacked me. He disappeared but i don't know if he is gone" you said struggling against his hold.

"Get in the house, I'll check around" he instructed, he stood and sat you on your feet and you hurried towards the house locking the door behind you.

Kakashi came back about 20 minutes later having found nothing, no trace of anyone. He decided to go ahead and let Tsunade know so that she could have the full village checked but no-one found any clue. You gave a full report of the event and they took it seriously but you could see they had doubts on if what you saw was real. To make matters worse Kakashi had let you know that he was being sent on another mission but not with his team, but with Hinata, Shino and Kiba. You had pleaded with Tsunade to let you go but she refused saying she hadn't cleared you yet for missions.

"I don't know what her problem is!" you shouted stomping into your home and slamming the door behind you. "I'm fine, I've fully healed, the Dr said nothing is wrong with me so why wont she give me work?" you exclaimed.

"I'm sure it has nothing to do with you, this is a stealth mission so those that are going have an exact purpose. You are a fighter not a scouter, that's  all Lotus" Kakashi gently stoked your cheek trying to calm your rage with reason.

"I just have this feeling that I need to be there, I cant explain it" you lied. you knew the reason you needed to be there, and as much as you had told Kakashi of what happened with Tobi, you didn't tell him of the warning that he gave. Sasuke was still rumored to be with Orochimaru and with this mission being to determine if they have found his hideout, it was as if the world was screaming at you that it was destiny, or a trap. Either way you were determined to go, even if that meant alone.

The next few days Kakashi spent in preparation, he went over the plan many times with his temporary team and you listened in getting every detail you could. On the morning of his disembarkment you walked him to the front gate, the feeling of dread only growing stronger. He had already said goodbye to the boys that morning before they went to stay with Kurenai.

"This is always the part I hate most" he sighed and turned towards you. "I don't like leaving you here alone" he confessed.

"I know, I hate this part too. I know every mission is dangerous when it comes to you, but it still scares me every time. I just need to know that you'll come back safe" you squeezed his hand in yours trying to comfort both of you to no avail. 

"Ill always come back to you, no-one will ever stop me from doing that." he tried to reassure.

"You better, I don't want to do any of this without you" you said motioning to everything around you.

"Me either" he chuckled and leaned his forehead against yours. "Don't do anything reckless while I'm gone" he teased.

"No promises" you joked even though you knew that your actual plans were indeed extremely reckless.

With expert quickness he dropped his mask and kissed you sweetly before putting it back in place, he winked and then walked away out the gate. You stood there watching him leave until he disappeared like dust in the wind and then set out for step one of your plan. Find Genma.

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