Chapter 56

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The sound of someone cooking slowly pulled you from sleep, the smell of food awakening your senses. You pushed up from the couch and stretched trying to release the tension in your muscles. Looking around everything was familiar, you knew this to be your living room but had no clue how you had gotten here. Gathering your strength you stood up and tried to take a few steps but your legs gave out making you fall towards the floor. Hands reached for you catching you in the last second before you hit the ground, looking up you were eye to eye with a very worried looking Genma.

"Are you okay? Why are you up, sit back down" he instructed placing you back on the couch. His hands fluttered over you, checking your temp and checking your legs for injuries before he released a calming sigh.

"Sorry, I don't know what happened" you said feeling embarrassed.

"Its okay, I'm just glad you aren't hurt. I was heading home when I heard you scream, I ran as fast as I could but luckily when I found you Kakashi was carrying you inside. He left to search the area for whoever did this to you" he explained gently stroking your cheek.

"He said his name was Tobi" you said thinking back on what had happened.

"Did he say anything else? What did he look like?" he asked.

"He was with the Akatsuki.... I need to find Itachi he will have answers" you said meeting his eyes with determination.

"Not going to happen, that could be exactly what they want. This attack could all be a plan to get you or the boys" he explained.

"Itachi would never hurt us" you snapped.

"I know that, his motives sometimes might be questionable when it comes to you, but I agree. What I meant by that though is he might even be unaware of the plan, they could be using both of you in the ploy, if they know how to get here to you then they know about the boys. I'd say maybe they don't know Sakaki is his, but they are basically identical." He said frustrated, he pulled his bandana from his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"How can you look so handsome with hathead?" you teased catching one of his locks in your hand.

"And how can you flirt with me after something traumatic?" he asked shaking his head, He pulled your hand and rested it against his cheek.

"I'm okay, I was scared while it was happening but something feels different than last time. Maybe I'm just braver than I used to be, or maybe knowing I have more to protect it frightens me less." You said trying to joke but also feeling like the words you were saying ware true.

"I'm happy and sad about that, I'm happy I don't have to see you shaking and terrified to open your eyes. At the same time though I'm sad because now I don't have an excuse to stay here with you all day, holding you and being someone you need." He looked away as he spoke as if he was embarrassed or sad.

"Sit down" you instructed.

"Why?" he asked looking back up at you, he was kneeling in front of you but he still followed your instruction and sat down on the floor. You pushed yourself gently off of the couch down into his lap, his hands finding your hips to help hold some of your weight as you descended, knowing your legs were weak. Once on his lap you leaned forward and rested your ear against his chest, wrapping your arms around his back and closed your eyes.

"Hold me for awhile" you said relaxing into his touch.

"Yes Ma'am" he smiled, his hands wrapped around you, gently stoking his fingers up and down to comfort you.

Hours slipped by and you slept comfortably in his arms, he eventually stood to his feet to clean up the food he had made earlier. He held you with one hand keeping you held in his arms as he cleaned up the mess. He was just about done when the front door opened and happy feet sprinted into the house.

"Mommy!" Yuki yelled rounding the corner into the kitchen. Genma quickly turned placing a finger to his lips telling the young boy to stay quiet. Yuki noticed you were sleeping and playfully clamped his hands over his mouth. Kakashi then appeared in the doorway, Sakaki holding his hand, he held his expression calm but Genma noticed how tense he looked.

"Is she okay?" Kakashi asked his voice flat.

"Yes, she woke up a few hours ago, she said she wasn't scared but then insisted on being held and she has been asleep since" Genma explained slightly adjusting his hold on you.

"I can take her now" Kakashi released Sakaki's hand and took a step forward.

"Its okay, I've got her" Genma said holding his position.

"Fine.....I'll put the boys in the bath and finish the cleaning, go sit down before you exhaust yourself or drop her" He commanded, still holding his tone at bay but visibly struggling.

He walked over to the couch and adjusted your body so it wasn't wrapped around him but instead was just sitting in his lap. Laying his head back he felt you nuzzle deeper into his chest and he drifted off. A few hours later the feeling of someone watching you made you stir, blinking your eyes Kakashi stood there leaned against the wall. He extended his hands towards you and you gently escaped from Genma's hold, your feet carefully guiding you towards Kakashi, your legs feeling much stronger than before. Your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist, he used one hand to tuck your hair behind your ear.

"Hi Lotus, you had me really scared" he whispered.

"I'm sorry, did you find him?" you asked nervous.

"I wish, I looked everywhere but there was no sign of him" he explained, his facial expression grim.

"Thank you for trying, I think we both know how we can find him, or at least find out more about him" you said knowing he might scold you.

"I know, lets talk about that in the morning, for now I need a shower and you need to rest some more." He explained looking at the circles under your eyes even though you had slept most of the day.

"Sounds good" you said smiling up at him. He pulled his mask down and brought his lips towards yours, his kiss was gentle but made your stomach flutter. He pulled back smiling but then something behind you caught his attention.

"You can go home now" Kakashi said looking over your shoulder.

"I think I'll stay" Genma said in response.

"Suite yourself" Kakashi said taking your hand in his, he started to lead you away but you paused meeting Genma's eyes.

"Thank you for today Gennie" you said sincerely.

"Anytime Princess" he said with a smile, before adjusting to lay down on the couch, pulling the blanket from the back of it. "If you cant sleep come see me, I'll be here" he called after you as you exited the room. Kakashi feeling frustrated scooped you up in his arms and started carrying you towards the bedroom.

"Lets both shower, I want you close to me" Kakashi said loud enough to be sure he would hear.

*So i know its been a couple weeks, i wanted to give a few more people a chance to comment about the love triangle situation so i could decide what to do. For now you "Kakashi only" people are going to be slightly upset but trust me and know I'll make it end in your favor.  Also next chapter im planning a lemon..... and it might just be the much requested 3-some.......(Insert evil laugh). Ill try and put it out sooner rather than later, also thank you so much everyone for getting this story to over 70k reads, thats freaking awesome! Next goal is to hit 100k, that would honestly blow my mind!

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