Bonus Birthday Chapter

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*So this chapter is of the twins 1st birthday, so its about a year in the past from where the story is at now. Hopefully this will wrap up a loose end or two for you of what happened during the two year time skip!

By the time your morning alarm went off you were already out of bed. The anxiety for today had made sleep nearly impossible, after all it was the twin's first birthday! You had started by preparing the cake and putting it into the oven and then moved on to cleaning the house. About the time you were done cleaning someone knocked on the door, opening it you found Genma.

"Good Morning Beautiful" he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on your lips. "I came to get the boys ready and take them out for a walk before I go into work" he said stepping in the door.

"Oh thank you, that would be really helpful" you said smiling at him.

"The house looks amazing Beautiful, if you need help with anything I could always be a few minutes late" he suggested feeling slightly bad that you were having to do all the work alone.

"No you better not, you are in charge of guarding the Hokage after all, seems like too important of a job to be late for. I'm fine here and Kakashi should be showing up shortly with the decorations and then some of the others are showing up to put them all up so I'll be okay!" you said reassuring him and ushering him up the stairs.

When he was out of sight your shoulder's slumped slightly and guilt twisted your stomach into knots. You had been dating both Genma and Kakashi for about a year and though each relationship was great they were just different. Things with Genma were easy, you could tell him anything about yourself and he would never judge, just love you more. Being friends for years had made things less awkward when transitioning from friends to lovers, problem was the love part. Kissing him and being with him romantically just felt off sometimes, its not that it was bad though, just wasn't right. He didn't light your world on fire, he didn't make your skin tingle in anticipation. He almost felt like a vanilla love in the mix of a world of more flavorful options.

With Kakashi things were different, with him love was more complicated but also more thrilling and fulfilling. Being with him made your whole body electric, his touch made every cell burst into life. Things were complicated though and you were still getting to know each other's flaws and needs. When you were sick or having a bad day he didn't know how to be there for you but Genma did, that didn't mean he didn't try though. You tried not to compare the relationships to each other but as each one tried to progress forward it was more obvious where the cracks were. You knew the time was approaching quickly where you would need to pick just one but it tore you apart inside. They were both amazing men and to break one of their hearts was not what you wanted to do.

"Okay we are all done, gonna head out now" Genma said walking up towards you "What's wrong dear? You look upset" he asked concerned.

"I'm okay, just a lot on my brain is all" you said trying to waive it off.

"Do you want to talk about it? I could always take the boys out tomorrow" he said adjusting the twins in his arms.

"No, lets save that talk for another day, today is a happy day to celebrate my beautiful little boys" you leaned forward and kissed each boys head.

"Where's mine?" he playfully asked puckering his lips. You reached up taking his head in your hands and leaned his head towards you and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"You better get going now, I've got preparations to get started on" you said opening the front door for him. He stood there looking at you for a moment, his expression changed as if he already knew what was on your mind. He stepped past you outside and started walking in the direction of the center of the village.

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