Chapter 2

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Sweat dripped from your brow. As effective as that jutsu is, it takes alot of your chakra and leaves you feeling weak. The rest of your team now launches from the bushes to help Kakashi fight the remaining two enemies.

"Shadow clone jutsu" Naruto yells with excitement, glad to finally be able to fight. A puff of smoke and then there are four of him, all charging at the second enemy kunai drawn.

Sakura rushes to your side, kneeling down beside you. You hadn't realized you'd collapsed down to your knees, you were too focused on the fight in front of you to notice your complete exhaustion.

"Y/N!, Are you okay??" Her hands fluttering lightly touching you all over checking for injuries.

"I'm fine, that jutsu just took alot out of me" you said and waved her hands away. Slowly on shaking legs you stood and watched the fight slowly come to and end.

With the other two enemies now defeated you took a deep breath realizing you'd been holding it. Everything suddenly went black and your body crumpled to the floor. "Why am I so stupid, I shouldn't have started with that jutsu" you said inside your head. You slowly slipped away from reality.

***time jump***

The wind tickled your face, and you could feel yourself moving but you were being carried, but by who?? You felt a chest against your cheek, whoever's it was smelt amazing. It was a mix of pine and clean laundry, as if you were deep in the forest surrounded by tall trees, a breeze blowing across clean sheets you'd hung on the line. It wasnt a smell you thought you'd like but it made you feel at peace, like everything around you was safe and warm.

Unknowingly you snuggled your face in a bit more and took a deep breath, the chest becoming stiff from your touch. You quickly jerked your face away realizing what you've done, eyes popping open and you looked up to see that it was none other than Kakashi Sensei carrying you bridal style. Cheeks turning bright red, you quickly shut your eyes again hoping he didnt notice you were awake. You face palmed yourself inside your own head until you got your breath and cheeks back under control.

You started slowly shifting your body and blinked your eyes rapidly as if you were just coming out of a sleeping state.   "I think Y/N is waking up" you heard Kakashi say and he bent down setting you gently on the ground.

"What happened?" You said still clearing your eyes and looking around to each team members face.

"Oh Y/N, you passed out after the fight ended!" Sakura exclaimed kneeling down by your side. She hugged you tightly making you feel very uncomfortable, you wernt used to having friends care about you or the feeling of affection. You patted her on the back then slowly pulled her arms away and stood to your feet.

"Sorry about that guys, guess I thought I could handle that jutsu better. My adrenaline got the best of me..." you shrugged and kicked the dirt with your foot.

"No harm done (Y/N), I think this is a good place to stop for the night team. We will rest for a few hours and then finish making our way back to the village. Sasuke I want you to gather wood, Naruto help Sakura set up the tents, and I'm going to check the perimeter. (Y/N) just sit and rest, we need you at full strength." Kakashi stated to you and your team. You were going to argue but something in the way he looked at you made you stay quiet.

Everything was set up and gathered and Sasuke was set out on first watch. There were only two tents and you started to follow Sakura to one. "(Y/N) I'm actually going to have you stay in the tent with me. I wanna keep an eye on you with everything that happened earlier" Kakashi said coming up behind you and taking your wrist, you darted your eyes to the ground, blush overcoming your cheeks again.

You let him guide you to the other tent, not daring to look back at Naruto or Sakura as they went into the second tent. Stepping into the tent you went to the nearest sleeping bag and laid on your back putting your hands behind your head trying to act like you wernt panicking. Did he notice you creepily smelling him earlier? Such an idiot! You kept scolding yourself.

Kakashi took the other sleeping bag, laying in an identical position to you. "So you like it huh?" He said a smile creeping onto his face.

"Like what?" You said turning on your side towards him, elbow holding up your side.

He chuckled, and turned his head looking you right in the eyes. "The way I smell."

This jerk was messing with you, but that didnt matter it still put you into a panic and flooded your cheeks with heat. You quickly sat up staring at your hands. "I'm so sorry Sensei, I honestly didnt mean to, it just happened and once I realized what I had done it was too late." All of this spilling from your mouth in an almost nonsensical speedy way.

He simply chuckled again "it's okay (Y/N), I took it as a compliment. You smell nice also, like a field of flowers after a light rain, with just a slight sent of citrus. Was pretty distracting while I was carrying you." He said smile still playing across his lips. He rolled over away from you, lifting one hand in the air giving you a slight wave. "Get some rest, we head out in a few hours"

How the heck were you supposed to sleep with your heart pounding this hard. Did he really find your smell distracting? Was that a good or bad thing? Did he like it? No he couldn't have liked it, he was your Sensei.. right?

You flipped onto your back and turned away from him also. Trying to focus on keeping your breath steady knowing he would be able to tell your heart is racing. It took about 20 minutes before you drifted off into a dream you never would've expected.

My Sensei or the guy nextdoor (Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now