Chapter 3

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*The dream*

You found yourself standing under a large canopy of trees. The ground was flush, grass tickling at your ankles. Gentle breezes blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves and weaving the smells of the forest together in a beautiful way. You began walking unsure where your legs were taking you but had a feeling you had walked this path many times before. The trees slowly began to thin until you were standing in a small open area where a cute log cabin sat.

Walking to the door you slowly turned the knob and stepped inside. It was a lovely home, metal and wood mixed furniture, tons of green plants everywhere, windows open letting the breeze in. You heard someone messing around in the kitchen and followed the sound, walking as quietly as possible not knowing who it was. You peeked around the corner to see a shirtless man cooking something on the stove.

You studied his body, something felt familiar. He had broad shoulders, that led down to a very toned waist, strong arms, very tight butt, which made you blush. He leaned his head up and that's when you noticed the mess of grey spikey hair. Your heart dropped into your stomach, it was Kakashi.. you quickly jerked your head back behind the wall, heart pounding, mouth suddenly dry, you covered your eyes with your hands. Why was he here? Where the heck were we??

A hand quickly grasped your waist while the other slid behind your neck and pulled you into an embrace. Dropping your hands from your face you looked up in wonder at the man before you. You had never seen Kakashi's face before but you knew it was him. You studied his face, he was beautiful! Perfectly chiseled jaw, long narrow nose, a tiny freckle on his chin, his eyes gleamed in the soft light of the house, and his smile... ugh it just made your body melt. He lightly chuckled and brought his lips to yours, kissing you deeply, tongue gently gliding over your lips.

You pulled back in shock, staring up into his eyes. He moved his hand from the back of your neck and caught your chin with his thump and pointer finger. "Were you spying on me love?" He teased gently kissing your lips again. He then walked away back to the kitchen. "Did you enjoy your walk? Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes" he called back to you. Taking a deep breath you followed him into the kitchen, taking a seat on a small bar stool by the middle island.

"Where are we?" He turned to look at you not understanding your question.

"We are in our home, are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?" His face grew concerned and he walked over catching your chin again turning your head from side to side looking for injuries. After confirming you had no injuries he sighed, "dont mess with me like that, I thought you were hurt." He patted your head and walked back around the island and made both of your plates. He sat next to you and began to eat. You followed suit and began to eat also, he was an amazing cook.

Once you were finished eating, he took the plates and washed them and put everything away. He then turned to look at you. "You wanna go for a swim?" He asked. Thoughts darted through your mind of water dripping from his body.... "ummm sure" you barely choked out.

After changing you followed him out the back door and through a small bunch of trees, you could hear the stream in the near distance. Once you arrived your eyes couldn't believe it. Stunning crystal clear water, everything was so green. Deer could be seen up the stream getting a drink, it was something from a fairy tale. Awestruck by your surroundings you almost missed Kakashi stripping down to his bare skin.

In one swoop he had his shirt up and over his head and tossed it to the ground. Next came his shoes and pants till he stood there in the oh so glorious nude. He turned his head towards you and gave a wink and then launched himself into the stream. He was under water for only a few seconds and then slowly raised his head out of the water. His hair when wet nearly met his shoulder, it parted so perfectly messy around his face, making him look like a soaked angel. He eyed you from the water waiting for you to join.

"This has got to be a dream" you thought "no way this would actually happen so might as well take advantage of it"

You stripped down also, letting the cool air caress your naked body. You were about (your height) foot, a bit curvy but in all the right places. You had (H/L) length (H/C) hair. You were pretty, but you never felt that confident in your looks, could partially be due to growing up without a mother to guide you through life, to help you navigate all the things that happened to your body.

You jumped into the water also, it was colder than you thought but it was so refreshing. You stayed underneath the surface for a few seconds enjoying the feeling of the current flowing against the curves of your body. You stood up and wiped the water from your eyes. Warm strong arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into his chest, he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and kissed from right behind your ear, down your neck and along your shoulder sending tingles down your spine with every kiss. He gently nibbled on your neck making your back arch with excitement. You could feel his excitement grow behind you.

He leaned in closer to your ear his lips lightly touching and whispered "Do you want me to take you right.." You bucked your hips back against him. "Mmmm Sensei" you moaned.

My Sensei or the guy nextdoor (Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now