Chapter 28: Intentions

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"So you want me to turn your father back into a human?" I asked, looking at uncle Junsu.

I somehow felt sorry for him. He grew up without queen Dara by his side and not to mention, without so much love from Jaejoong himself. At first, I wanted to carry out my original plan of just making Jaejoong fall to eternal sleep. But now that uncle Junsu wanted to save his father, I decided to hear him out for now.

"Yes. That's right. Would that be possible?" Uncle Junsu asked.

"Yes." I answered honestly and I saw how uncle's eyes brighten. "But I have to perform the spell during the Blood Moon."

"Then It's perfect. Today's a Blood Moon." Uncle stated.

"But are you sure about this? Making Jaejoong turn back to being human means you're going to start living normally. Meaning no more extension of your life span." I asked again.

"It's alright." Uncle Junsu assured. "But what about you? What are you planning towards Jinyoung and the other vampires? I know that doing a spell to a single person would endanger your life. And if you turn back all your friend—"

"It's not possible for them." I cut in, making uncle confuse. "Turning Jaejoong back to human is possible since I turned him when he was still alive. But if I do it to Jinyoung and the others, they will come back as dead bodies, instead."

I saw uncle Junsu's face turn grim and I knew he felt sorry for me. I smiled towards him, assuring him. "Don't worry uncle. Jinyoung and the others are not killers. They are good people."

"Then all we have to do is wait for Kim Jaejoong to come here." Uncle stated.

"Yes. And I'll make sure it will be the last Blood Moon for him."



I hissed as I saw how the three vampires kept on using their elemental abilities against me. It made me more anxious to having their abilities. And that's why I kept Jisoo alive all this time. I need her to in order to kill this vampires instead and maybe, I could finally gain their abilities. As an original vampires ourselves, we couldn't exactly kill each other and that's the perk of being an Original. Only the one who made us can kill us, namely a witch. But I'm not exactly a pure blooded Original vampire since according to Jisoo, only 3 can be made since it's a scared number. And that maybe the reason why I don't have any elemental ability. I have to make Jisoo kill them and I'll kill her right after.

I smirked, feeling distracted that I didn't notice how Jinyoung sneaked behind me and was able to wound me. I hissed, but managed to compose myself.

"Do you really think that you could kill me? Let's be honest here. You can't obviously kill me and I can't kill you guys either. So why not settle things here and just let's go on our own way. Truce?" I suggested, wanting to leave this place and go to where Jisoo is.

"Not a chance, d*ckhead." Lisa growled.

"We're not dumb to let you go after Jisoo." Jinyoung added.

"Don't tell me you're tired already?" Mark scoffed, making me pissed off. "Come on, we're just starting." He smirked and went to attack me with his flaming fist but I was able to dodge and landed a strong punch making him crash towards a boulder.

Mark laughed hysterically like a crazy vampire that he was. He then summoned fire balls and kept it floating around him before turning towards Jinyoung.

"Leave him to us. Go and get Jisoo." Mark stated and I immediately growled in displeasure.

Mark looked hesitant at first but then immediately left leaving me with the other two original vampires. And that was the moment that I decided to stop playing and finish things up here.

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