Chapter 18: Start of the Hunt

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I was on my way to the main Branch of the Vampire association together with my father. We suddenly got summoned for some unknown reason. I heard that even Jennie, Yugyeom and Minhyuk hyung were also on their way with their fathers.

"This is bad." I heard my father say beside me on the back seat of our family car.

"What is it, father?" I asked as soon as father had ended his call with someone. "Who was that? Was it Park Jinyoung?"

After father told me about the identity of our ally, I couldn't believe it at first. After all, it was one of the three Original vampires, Park Jinyoung. So that was why when this Jinyoung had first appeared and introduced himself, his name seemed to have been familiar to me. My father had always been calling him ever since I could remember.

"Yes. He called to inform that he was with Jisoo as of this time." My father answered.

"What?" I unknowingly move away from leaning on the car seat. "Isn't it dangerous for Jisoo? Should I go to her?"

"It's alright." My father stated. "This is Jinyoung we're talking about. He would never hurt her."

"Then what's bothering you?"

"Jinyoung mentioned something about Jisoo having a weird dream, and it involved Kim Suji." Father said and I too started to worry. After all, we wouldn't want for Jinyoung to know about the whole truth."



We were gathered at the common hall where most of the high ranking officers of the association were also gathered. Our father was just around the corner, talking with our uncle Junsu. After a short while, we saw Minhyuk entering the room together with his father. I couldn't help but notice at how odd Minhyuk had been acting. He seemed to be over-sensitive with everything around him. Now I'm guessing that everything will be revealed after this meeting and not to mention, we will be able to finally meet the one and only, Kim Jaejoong—the Head of the Vampire Hunter association.

"Youngjae-hyung is here!" Yugyeom stated excitedly beside me and I could literally hear myself growling towards my brother. "Hyung!" He called out and I saw Youngjae walking towards us.

"I couldn't believe that you had finally left Jisoo's side." Youngjae commented and I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"I know, right? I mean noona seemed to have developed an overprotective syndrome when it comes to Jisoo-noona." Yugyeom added and I quickly smacked him on the head. "Ow! That hurt!" My brother complained.

"What can I do if the Lord Jaejoong himself had asked for our presence here." I retorted. "And besides, a large number of novices are stationed back at the dorm."

"Novices that couldn't even compare to our me." Minhyuk suddenly appeared to our side. "What are you glaring at?" He hissed towards my direction and I was just about to retaliate when Youngjae cut me off.

"How have you been, hyung? We haven't seen you at school in a while."

We noticed him flinching but then he smirked, looking proud all of a sudden. "You wouldn't believe even if I tell you." Minhyuk snickered. "But I'll tell you anyways, for you to acknowledge just how I am ahead from all of you."

I was about to laugh out loud when his next words had stopped me. "I've been meeting the lord Jaejoong himself." Minhyuk stated.

We couldn't close our mouth in disbelief . "What—"

"Ladies and gentlemen." Uncle Junsu took all our attention when he clapped his hands twice. "I present to you the Master Kim Jaejoong the 7th, Head of the Vampire hunter association."

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