Chapter 26: The Revival

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Jisoo and the rest of her friends ran through the empty and dark underground halls. Her friends were surprised to discover that inside one of the guest rooms contained a secret passage to an underground floor.

"This is just too creepy." Jennie noted as her eyes scanned through the dark.

"Just keep yourselves alert for any enemy that may appear." Youngjae reminded and the others immediately got their weapons ready.

It was Jisoo together with Jennie who lead them, making sure that the female hunter was able to protect Jisoo well while Youngjae took the rear. Minhyuk and Yugyeom were just behind Jisoo, making sure that she's well protected.

"Wait." Jennie stopped walking, pulling Jisoo behind her. "Someone's coming."

Minhyuk immediately came to the front, blocking the girls. He unsheathe his sword and pointed it in front. Just as the footsteps came nearer, Yugyeom also positioned his self just behind his hyung, readying his gun and so did Jennie.

"What the—" Minhyuk's eyes widen in shock. "Dad?"

Junho appeared in front of them with his sword pointed towards them. "Minhyuk. What are you doing down here? How did you get here?" He looked angry. "And why is Jisoo here? She's supposed to be at the Master's mansion!"

"Dad. I don't understand. Why are you here? I thought—" Minhyuk started but got cut off by Jennie's pull on his arm.

"Are you an idiot? Your dad's obviously working under that vampire Jaejoong." Jennie scoffed, glaring towards Junho.

"No. That's not true. Dad doesn't know about Jaejoong's schemes, right dad?" Minhyuk looked back towards his father only to see his firm expression. "Dad— How can you—"

"Son. It doesn't matter if the Master is a vampire. He's still a vampire hunter. And the most important thing is that he can make us stronger and even let us live longer." Junho smiled, looking expectant towards his son.

Minhyuk took a step back, staring at an unfamiliar person in front of him. He felt something wrong at the way his father looked like he was not sane. "You're heavily intoxicated with that Monster's blood, dad! Snap out of it!" Minhyuk shouted.

Minhyuk was heartbroken to see his father behaving like that. Ever since he was just a little boy, his father would always emphasize about their life duty as vampire hunters and told him to do his best to become the top hunter but now, seeing his father like that, he couldn't help but get enraged.

"You guys, go ahead. I'll deal with my father." Minhyuk stated, pointing his sword towards his father.

"Oppa—" Jisoo looked dissatisfied.

Yugyeom held Jisoo's wrist, stopping her from talking. "I'll stay with Minhyuk-hyung."

"What? No way—" Jennie looked incredulous but when Yugyeom stared at her meaningfully, she just sighed in defeat. "Fine. But promise me that you'll follow us— with that jerk." She said and pointed towards Minhyuk.

"I promise." Yugyeom smiled and took another gun from his back.

"Let's go." Youngjae said.

Junho was about to block Youngjae but Minhyuk was quick to interfere. Youngjae just nodded and ushered Jisoo while Jennie took the rear this time, following Jisoo and Youngjae. Yugyeom stood on the side, waiting for any enemies that may appear while Minhyuk battled with his own father.



When I woke up, I felt my wrist burning and something was restraining them. I fluttered my eyes open and saw my wrist being shackled by silvers chains. I hissed feeling pained by the contact of my wrist but everything became nothing when I saw Lalisa lying on the stone table with a silver stake on her chest. I tried to stand up but the chains wouldn't let me go. I knew that the silver stake couldn't kill an original vampire unlike me and the rest of the vampire classes but just seeing her lifeless in front of me is like putting a stake on my chest too.

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