Chapter 13: Dare under the Blood Moon

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Something inside Jinyoung was throbbing. He could feel himself wanting to rip someone's throat out and drinking his/her blood. He knew that the time of the Blood Moon was fast approaching since he could only feel like this once in every month.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jaebum asked worriedly, noticing the unusual behaviour coming from his friend.

"Tomorrow's the Blood Moon." Jinyoung stated, making Jaebum stiffen.

"Then should I prepare the Vervain drink for you tomorrow?" Jaebum asked.

"That would be great." Jinyoung answered and Jaebum started to move. "Wait." Jinyoung called out, making the other pause. "Prepare enough that could handle three Originals." He added and Jaebum just nodded before leaving.

Jinyoung was more nervous than usual. He was worried for all the humans staying near them. After all, during every Blood Moon, all three of the Original Vampires would have the worst craving for blood. Their senses would go heighten and they would sometimes go ballistic. In Lisa's and Mark's case, they would somehow be able to contain it since they're already used to drinking blood, but for Jinyoung— He definitely would have the worst case, since he never tasted human blood for as long as he could remember.

"I'm screwed." Jinyoung whispered. "Especially now that she is around." Jinyoung added, closing his eyes as he pictured Jisoo's face in his mind.


Jisoo was walking along the path walk together with Jennie. They were on their way to school when they caught the familiar figures of Yugyeom and Youngjae who were obviously waiting for them.

"Good morning!" Jisoo greeted warmly.

"Jisoo-noona! I'm glad you're better now." Yugyeom greeted back.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry if I worried you guys." She answered.

"Are you sure? Don't you think that you needed more rest? It wouldn't hurt to skip one more day, you know." Youngjae suggested but Jisoo just shook her head to disagree.

"I'm fine, really and besides—"

Jisoo gasped as she felt herself being envelope into someone's embrace. Jennie, Yugyeom and Youngjae were too shocked to even move. Everything was too fast that they didn't even realize that someone had already snuck up on them and pulled Jisoo into her arms.

"This girl— Lisa!" Jisoo's eyes widen upon remembering the face of the girl from her dreams last night.

"Suji! Is it really you?" Lisa squealed and she could feel her tears threatening to fall.

"Get away from her!" Jennie demanded as her hand went to search inside her bag for any kind of weapon that she could use.

Lisa's eyes squinted towards Jennie, baring her fangs towards her. Youngjae immediately stepped in, blocking Jennie from Lisa's scrutinizing eyes. Yugyeom unknowingly crouched down, thinking of readying his self for any possible attack.

"I don't think so, kid." Bambam suddenly appeared by his queen side, watching their every move.

"Tch." Yugyeom scoffed, glaring towards the male vampire.

"That's enough, Lisa."

Lisa and the rest turned to see Mark standing on the top of the brick wall that divides the School from outsiders. Jisoo gulped nervously as she saw how mark was staring down at her intently while Lisa decided to finally let go of Jisoo from her arms and Youngjae automatically reached for Jisoo and tucked her away from the vampires eyes.

"I was just talking with Suji when these humans interrupted us." Lisa hissed.

"She's not Suji, Lisa." Mark stated. "Look carefully and you will know."

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