Chapter 21: The Next Move

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"Noona, please stop crying already." I pleaded as I watched my sister bawling her eyes out on her bed. "Jisoo-noona's going to be fine." I reassured.

"How do you know that? For all we know, Jisoo might be—" Jennie-noona couldn't even finish her words and just started to cry out loud all over again.

I heavily sighed and turned towards Minhyuk-hyung to ask for help but he too looked terrified. I couldn't help but think that he too was worrying for Jisoo-noona's disappearance but I knew that something else was bothering him instead.

"Hyung." I called for his attention and he looked startled, almost jumping on his seat. "Are you alright?" I asked, looking worried as his body kept shaking.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine!" Minhyuk-hyung replied, looking defensive.

"I was just wondering—" I tried to explain but I got cut off when Minhyuk-hyung stood up abruptly. "Hyung?"

"I'm fine. There's nothing on me that you should be worrying about. You should just worry for Jisoo since that's what we're supposed to do. I'm out of here." Minhyuk-hyung stated and quickly left the mansion.

I plopped down back to my seat, looking exhausted while my sister kept on crying. I rolled my eyes, seeing that she looked like she will doing it for a while. I was about to leave the room when the door to the living room opened and uncle Junsu appeared.


"Sorry if I kept you guys waiting. Where are Minhyuk and Youngjae?" Uncle Junsu asked, looking around the room.

"Youngjae-hyung left as soon as you left us earlier. Minhyuk-hyung just left a little while ago though. Should I call him back?" I replied.

"It's alright." Uncle Junsu said. "Let them rest for a while. I'm sure their father will fill them in about what's going on."

"So what's exactly going on anyway, uncle?" I asked. "And please, will you make noona stop from crying? My ears are about to burst." I pleaded, looking towards my sister crying in the corner of the room.

"Jennie, dear." Uncle Junsu went towards noona and whispered something into her ear and my sister immediately stopped from crying and went to sit beside me. "Okay, so I'm about to tell you what's going on now."

I felt my sister's hand clutching mine and I squeezed it back reassuringly. "Okay, uncle. We're all ears." I answered.

"We got information that Jisoo got captured by the vampires." Uncle started and I immediately tightened my grip on my sister's hand. "She is held captive in their secret lair and they're preparing for a counter attack against the vampire hunters."

"But I thought we already got them cornered? We outnumbered them on the last hunt, right?" I asked, looking aghast.

"The vampire King withheld his main force from attacking in the last hunt. And I believe it was because of Jisoo." Uncle Junsu answered, and after hearing Jisoo-noona's name, my sister and I became more confuse.

"What do you mean by that uncle?" Jennie-noona asked this time.

"It was that time that Jisoo appeared in front of the vampire king and they decided to fall back for the mean time, knowing that they got her." Uncle answered.

We became speechless, remembering that we were partially to blame for it. But somehow, It became the main factor for the vampires to stop from attacking.

"So what now? What's going to happen?" I asked.

"The Head became furious after knowing Jisoo's abduction and he decided to halt all the attacks for now. I think he's still thinking about his next move." Uncle explained further.

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