Chapter 23: Truths and Betrayals

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"What's going on here?"

"Jinyoung!" Jisoo immediately ran towards the newly arrived vampire with his friend, Jaebum.

"Perfect timing." Mark started. "Your whore of a friend just told me that she had something to tell me." Mark said, giving Rose his annoyed look.

Jinyoung looked confused and stared at the said girl. Rose looked startled by the sudden arrival of Jinyoung but seeing how Jinyoung kept Jisoo so close to him, she decided to just go with plan.

"It's about that human girl." Rose started, giving Jisoo her hateful look.

Both Jinyoung and Jaebum looked alarmed. Just by the time that Rose left the Villa, Jinyoung noticed too late about someone eavesdropping and he finally knew who it was. Jinyoung gave Jaebum a look and his friend quickly caught on.

"Rose. We better not disturb the king any further. Let's head back first." Jaebum tried to intervene, but the girl just swatted away his hand.

"I heard Jinyoung talking earlier, your majesty!" Rose tried to get Mark's attention once again by addressing him more respectfully. "It's about that human girl!" Rose shouted.

"Park Chaeyoung!" Jinyoung shouted angrily, making everyone startled, even Mark was taken aback by Jinyoung's anger.

Mark saw how Rose looked helpless, knowing that she answers to Jinyoung. But then again, something about her statement bothered him. "Speak." Mark finally said, making Rose light up while both Jinyoung and Jinyoung looked terrified.

"I heard them talking about how the hunters will make Jisoo turn all the vampires back to being humans." Rose stated, making everyone look confuse. "I'm not lying, your majesty. I heard Jinyoung talking about it. Tell him, Jinyoung! You know something more, don't you?"

Jinyoung's face hardened and Rose knew how Jinyoung felt about her now. The look in his eyes tells her that he felt betrayed by what she had just done. But even before Rose could ask for his forgiveness, the image of Jisoo being choked by Mark interrupted them.

"Mark! Let her go!" Jinyoung shouted, looking angry.

"Not until you tell me everything." Mark growled.

"Mark, please— just let her go before you regret doing this." Jinyoung tried again.

"Tell me! Tell me everything! Before I snap her neck!" Mark threatened, as he positioned himself behind Jisoo.

"Jisoo-ssi is Kim Suji's reincarnation." Jaebum was the one to tell and that's when Mark finally let go of Jisoo.

Jisoo's slumped figure was immediately covered by Jinyoung's arms and made sure that she was far away from Mark. Mark on the other hand looked lost and more confused, his eyes staring towards Jisoo longingly but the sudden information about the hunter's plan made him snap out of it.

"This doesn't change the fact that she's part of their plan." Mark stated calmly.

"I know. But they don't have Jisoo right now, right? Let's think about this more." Jinyoung said, looking towards Mark expectantly.

Mark already knew what he was about to say, knowing all too well that he couldn't bring harm to the human girl after all that thing he had found out being Suji's reincarnation. "Alright. But know that I'll personally see to it that the human girl will never leave this place. I'm warning you, Jinyoung. Don't make me do something that we both don't want to happen."

Jinyoung just nodded and took that chance to bring Jisoo out from that place, bringing her back to her room.


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