Chapter 4: Massacre

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"Your majesty, I think we have to do something fast about the magistrate." Joong Gi stated. "My informant told me that he continued to investigate about the death of your father and surely it wouldn't be good in our side."

Jaejoong, who was sitting on his throne just hummed, thinking hard about what to do with this new complication. Jaejoong finally stood up from his high chair and stepped down from his elevated throne.

"I believe you still have your secret force under your command?" Jaejoong asked his loyal servant.

"You mean the assasins, your majesty?" Joong Gi asked for confirmation and the King just smirked in return. "Of course, your Majesty. I'll be on it." Joong Gi finally understood and went out to start plotting.

As Joong Gi opened the door to the exit, he was stunned to see Dara standing just a few inches away. Joong Gi knew that Dara heard what they had just talked about and he wouldn't want for her to cause any more trouble and so, he was fast to grab Dara's arms and pulled her inside the throne room.

"What is going on?" Jaejoong seemed to have finally realized the commotion but then his eyes widen when he saw his wife being forced to knnel before him by Joong Gi.

"Your majesty." Joong Gi started to say. "I'm afraid she had heard us."

Jaejoong's jaw clenched and his hands turned into fist on his side. Jaejoong was too furious that he just knocked down one of the nearest vases, making both Joong Gi and Dara startled.

"Why?!! Why? Why do you have to hear it?" Jaejoong shouted in anger.

"What have you done?" Dara stared at the King with horror.

Dara stared at her husband with her fearful eyes while Jaejoong was still shaking in fury to where he was standing at. Joong Gi was still holding on to Dara's shoulders, pushing it to remain kneeling.

"Your majesty, what should we do now?" Joong Gi asked his furious king.

"Take her to the underground cell. Make sure she stays there and no one should know about this." Jaejoong finally ordered and Dara's eyes widen upon hearing it.

"No! No, please don't do this! Our child needs me!" Dara pleaded but Jaejoong was already facing away.

Joong Gi immediately pulled Dara away and brought her to the underground cell where no one knows except Joong Gi and his loyal servants. It was a prison intended for spies/traitors to be locked in and tortured but ever since Hyunsik became the general, most soldiers became loyal to the King.

"Please, Joong Gi! Don't do this!" Dara tried again with Joon Gi as he was already pulling her against her will towards her cellar. "Why are you doing this?" Dara cried out.

"Silence!" Joong Gi started to become annoyed. "You fool! Just because the King cared for you enough not to kill you, I would happily disobey his order if you wouldn't stop talking!" He roared, shoving Dara into her cell and locking it right after.

 "You fool! Just because the King cared for you enough not to kill you, I would happily disobey his order if you wouldn't stop talking!" He roared, shoving Dara into her cell and locking it right after

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