Chapter 11: Kim Jisoo

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Today was the first day that I'll be coming back to school ever since I got escorted out due to the sudden Vampire news. And to my dismay, I found out that Jennie and the rest were already at school. Uncle Junsu escorted me back at my dorm after I met with my father and told me to just skip school for the day. Uncle wasn't fond of the idea leaving me alone but then I somehow tricked him into going on his way, leaving me to get ready for school even though it was already late in the morning.

"You're late." The security clerk noted. "I'm afraid I can't let you in."

"What? But—" I was about to oppose but when I saw his stern look, I immediately closed my mouth.

I just took a step back and bowed my head in understanding. I didn't know that all schools have the same policies about not letting all the late students in the school premises. I was thinking of visiting the school cafeteria for some chicken.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled. "I don't like the cooking at the dorms though. I wonder if I could go out from the school compounds." I asked particular to no one.

I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lower lip in determination. I have to get inside the school main premises and so instead of going back into the dorms, I found myself climbing up the concrete brick walls. And when I was about to step over from the top, my foot slipped. I screamed in horror but then something hard had caught me.

"Oh no. Are you okay?"

My eyes widen when I realized how handsome he was but when I saw his slightly red glowing eyes and felt his cold hands holding my arms, I quickly pushed myself away from him.

"You— you're a vampire." I stuttered.

"Who are you? Answer me!!!"

The vampire vanished and appeared in front of me. I stifled a gasp when he suddenly grabbed my arms so tight that I hissed in pain. My lips quiver, finding my voice trembling as I answer.

"It's Jisoo. Kim Jisoo."

"No. It can't be— you can't be— Su—" The vampire took a step towards me and I noticed how his eyes were not leaving my face as he looked at me longingly.

I flinched when I heard the vampire groaned in pain and my eyes widen when I saw an arrow stuck on the vampire's right shoulder. The vampire was fast to discover where it came from.

"Stay right where you are. And don't come any closer to her." A familiar voice caught my eyes as he took careful steps towards me while he aimed his crossbows towards the sole vampire.

"Choi Youngjae!" I exclaimed as my eyes landed on him.

"A hunter, huh." The vampire smirked as he eyed Younjae as he finally arrived right in front of me, shielding me from the vampire's eyes. "And a Choi? Well, that narrows it down." He added to which we didn't understand at all.

"Jisoo-yah, are you okay?" Youngjae asked me and I swear, I saw the vampire knitting his brows towards us. "Did he hurt you? Don't worry, I'll make sure to—"

"Don't bother." The vampire cut off. "I'll leave quietly. Just so you know, I'm a student here too. You probably already know about the Night School, right?" The vampire informed as he took out the arrow from his shoulders. "The name's Jinyoung. Park Jinyoung." He finished, giving us his smirk once again.

"Park Jinyoung?" Youngjae froze in front of me as he started to lower his weapon.

"What is it? What's wrong, Youngjae-ah?" I whispered.

"Nothing." Youngjae quickly answer. "I just thought I heard that name from somewhere."

By the time that we looked back at where this Park Jinyoung vampire was supposed to be, he was already gone. We exchanged looks and finally realized that we're out from danger. I sighed heavily and felt myself kneeling on the ground, feeling relieved.

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