Chapter 19: Hunter's Princess

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Days have passed and the killings had finally slowed down. The Hunters association finally noticed that their men had started decreasing in numbers. And that made Jaejoong to halt his all out attacks towards the vampires.

Jisoo on the other hand was kept inside her room back in their mansion. Jennie, Yugyeom, Minhyuk and Youngjae were constantly guarding her, especially Jennie who was furious after knowing that Jisoo was against the idea of exterminating the vampire race.

"It's not that I'm siding with the vampires Jen. It's just that, this whole idea of erasing another species is just horrifying. Don't you think that killing is just not right?" Jisoo defended.

"But they are already dead, don't you get it, Chu?" Jennie reasoned. "Vampires are the bad ones here, okay?" She furthered, looking frustrated.

"Just stop your nagging, noona." Yugyeom interjected. "Don't mind my sister, noona." Yugyeom exclaimed, looking apologetic towards Jisoo.

"Yah!" Jennie growled.

"Jennie's right." Minhyuk joined the conversation. "Stop your wishful thinking about the possibility of a peaceful life between humans and vampires. For them, humans are just food." He added, looking disgusted.

"See?" Jennie pointed out.

"Since when do you guys agree with each other?" Youngjae noted, looking amused.

"Yah! It's not like that!" Jennie and Minhyuk yelled at the same time and the both of them glared at each other right after.

Jisoo simply smiled while the others started to laugh in amusement. Youngjae noticed how Jisoo stared out the huge windows of the balcony. Youngjae's amusement turned serious, knowing what she might be thinking.



I was feeling furious and worried at the same time. I didn't know that the Hunters Association was already planning to attack that we didn't even imagine that they would outnumber us completely. My clan together with Mark's was completely pushed to our limits that we decided to hide for a short moment.

"Someone's coming!" Bambam warned and we all stiffen and got ready for another ambush.

"It's me." And Jinyoung appeared from the shadows together with his righthand man.

"Jinyoung!" Rose immediately ran and embraced him.

We all relaxed after seeing Jinyoung. He looked unharmed and that made me smile. He approached us closely and gave me a warm embrace which I returned. Mark looked unbothered by Jinyoung but he looked somewhat relieved. I secretly smirked.

"Jinyoung-ah—" I started to say, thinking about telling him about the person behind this madness who looked exactly like the King Jaejoong.

"I know." Jinyoung cut me off. "Jaebum told me."

"What do you think? Is he really the King Jaejoong's descendant?" I asked.

"Most likely." Jinyoung answered.

"Tsk." Mark scoffed. "That fxxking king, seriously. Even until this era? Does his descendant really have to come after us?What's wrong with his family?" He cursed.

"Mark!" Jackson suddenly appeared by the entrance, looking haggard but then it turned grim when he saw Jinyoung standing closely by Rose's side.

"You're here? So what's going on up there?" Mark asked.

After hiding for quite a while, Mark decided to send Jackson outside to gather some information. We all started to gather around him.

"You." Jackson's piercing eyes turned towards Jinyoung. "Does the Count Jinyoung know about Kim Jisoo's involvement to that Kim Jaejoong?"

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