Chapter 20: Captive

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"Now let's see. Who's left?" Mark's eyes fell towards the limp and scattered bodies belonging to his victims, searching for any signs of a living person until his eyes landed on the scared looking Jisoo.

Jisoo could feel her whole body trembling by the bloody sight. She felt her knees buckle and was certain that she was already on her knees but strong arms came to snake around her waist, supporting her. She looked up only to see Mark's red glowing eyes, staring into her soul.

"Just what the hell are you doing here?" Mark gritted his teeth in distaste.

"I— I just wanted to know how everyone's doing." Jisoo squeaked.

Mark's face hardened, knowing that what she was implying as 'everyone' was basically just one certain vampire who he loathes. Mark's face leaned closer towards Jisoo's until there were only inches left between their faces.

"As you can see by the looks of these dead bodies, we are extremely well. But knowing the hunters are still onto us, this is the perfect timing for you to appear like this, don't you agree?" Mark exclaimed as he gave Jisoo his menacing smile and that was the last thing that Jisoo had seen before darkness enveloped her.



By the time that we woke up feeling groggy, I knew that Jisoo was already gone. I grit my teeth in frustration after knowing that I let it all happen. I quickly ran, leaving the others and went back to my residence to report to my father but by the time that I arrived along the hallways of my father's private study, my hunter instinct told me that a strong vampire was inside the room.

"Father!" I shouted when I entered the room and a flying dagger came flying towards me but I quickly dodged it.

My eyes wandered towards the vampire responsible for the flying dagger and I saw Jaebum and to my horror, Park Jinyoung was also there and he has my father's neck around his right hand, choking him.

"Let him go!" I demanded and was already loading an arrow to my bow but the sudden image of Jaebum in front of me had distracted me and made me lose my bearing.

"Don't move and just stay still." Jaebum whispered. "Just listen to what he has to say."

I glared, thinking about how stupid he can be. I wasn't going to just stay still and watch my father die and so, I quickly grab his arm and pulled him hard until I hurled his body onto the ground, pinning him.

"Stupid child."

I was surprised when Jinyoung suddenly appeared on the side and pushed me away until I hit the wall. I struggled standing up until I felt myself being choked by my neck.

"Your father just went against our agreement." Jinyoung growled as his red eyes glowed even more. "I trusted your family! I thought we could start living peacefully with humans starting with your family but what? You obviously betrayed my trust!" Jinyoung shouted in anger.

"We didn't betray you!" Father said as he struggled catching his breath. "Let my son go."

Jinyoung's eyes found my father's and let go of my neck, dropping onto the floor. I quickly catch my breath and took a few steps away from the angry vampire. I saw Jaebum whispering something towards Jinyoung and the vampire leader heaved a deep sigh and took a sit on to one of the high chairs. I quickly ran towards my father, searching for any injuries and thankfully there wasn't any serious.

"Didn't betray us? How can you say that after we discovered about Kim Jisoo being a descendant of that Kim Jaejoong?" Jaebum asked.

"It's—" Father started and I saw how he looked defiant, not wanting to reveal our deepest secret.

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