Chapter 14: Triggered

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Jisoo woke up by the slight pain coming from her hand. Upon opening her eyes, the unfamiliar wooden ceiling greeted her and made herself sat up suddenly, causing her head spin for a moment.

"Where am I?" Jisoo asked groggily as she planted her feet onto the carpeted floor.

Jisoo noticed that she was lying on a covered sofa located the far side corner of the room, just beside the wide door-sized window. She scanned the dark-lit room and realized that the only light in the room was coming from the candles hanging on the chandelier.

"You shouldn't have done that." A cold voice gave Jisoo a shiver making her jump on her seat.

"Who's there?!" Jisoo desperately looked around the room and noticed a darker figure on the other side, just beside the empty canvass leaning on its stand.

Then right there and then, Jisoo felt the stinging again and when she looked down to her hand, she realized that it was bandaged but the visible stain of blood was there. Jisoo gasped after remembering what happened; how she let herself become a blood bag to a vampire. And that very same vampire was just a few feet away from her.

"Are— are you okay?" Jisoo asked worriedly, remembering again how Jinyoung looked like he was dying.

Jinyoung growled, standing up from where he was sitting at. He attempted to take a step towards Jisoo but stopped. Jisoo could see his whole body trembling even though his face was clouded with darkness, making it impossible for Jisoo to see his face. She was guessing that he might still be hurt.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked, getting curious by the minute.

Jisoo didn't know what came into her mind that she just started to reach out towards jinyoung with her injured hand. By the time that she was just a mere meter away from the hiding figure of jinyoung, his hand had already caught Jisoo's wrist, revealing his blood stained face to her.

"What—" Jisoo was horrified at first but then after seeing Jinyoung's tears streaming down his blood stained face, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken for him.

"Look what you made me do!" Jinyoung exclaimed, his hands tightening on Jisoo's wrist.

"What have you done to us, Suji? Look what you made me do!"

Jisoo's head suddenly got filled with images of Jinyoung's blood-stained robes and surrounding him was a pile of corpses. Jisoo shook herself away from it and stared back towards Jinyoung.

Jinyoung was in agony. For thousands of years he had never tasted human blood because he knew once he would taste it, he'll lose control and will become a ripper. But now that it finally happened, Jinyoung was in constant pain just by trying not to lose control and what's worse was the fact that he had fed on Jisoo's blood.

"How will I be able to survive by not biting someone's head off?! You shouldn't have given me your blood! You should have just let me be!" Jinyoung spat angrily.

"But I couldn't do that!" Jisoo was now feeling angry too. "How can I let someone die in front of me?"

"I'm a vampire!" Jinyoung yelled back, his eyes getting red with rage.

"But—" Jisoo was about to reason but Jinyoung was already facing away from her.

"Jaebum." Jinyoung called out and his friend appeared by the opened door. "Escort her back to dorm room." He ordered and Jaebum nodded in understanding.

Jisoo looked like she was aboutto protest but Jaebum's cold hands on her arms had stop her. Jaebum nodded curtly towards Jisoo and guided her towards the exit. Jisoo didn't had a choice and just let herself be pushed forward while staring at the still figure of Jinyoung sitting by the piano.

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