Chapter 6: Vampire Hunting

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"Hunters?" Minho repeated, not understanding.

"As what I had said earlier, the vampires are creatures who are strong, fast and very powerful. No ordinary human could defeat them. That's why we need humans who could match the vampires' strength." Suji answered. "Vampire Hunters."

"And how do you intend to do that?" Joong Gi asked again, looking unconvinced.

"It's the same way how I created the vampires." Suji started and both Minho's and Joong Gi's eyes widen in horror, afraid to becoming a blood-sucking monster. "But, the only difference is that I would be doing it to living persons and I assure you, you're not going to be like the creatures of the night." Suji quickly clarified. "With this, the human would become stronger, faster and powerful that would easily defeat a vampire, but not enough to defeat an original vampire alone. At least there will be two or three hunters needed to defeat a single original vampire."

"You mean, not enough to defeat your friends?" Joong Gi scoffed to which Suji replied with another glare. "And besides, we only not need to defeat those monsters! We have to kill them!"

"I will not let you kill my friends! Never!" Suji growled. "You should be grateful that I even shared with you on how to kill a normal vampire. But I will never tell you how to kill an original."

"Why you insolent, little—" Joong Gi was about to charge at Suji and Minho was ready to stop him but the king's loud and booming voice had stopped them.

"That's enough, Joong Gi." The king demanded to which Joong Gi obliged. "Go on." The king urged the witch to continue.

"I believe, that would be all, your majesty." Suji stated. "The only thing that needed to be done is to create three hunters." She finished.

"Wait, only three?" Joong Gi started again, looking aghast. "There are more than a dozen vampires out there and you would only create three hunters?"

"The number three is a significant number to witches. Three elements, three original vampires, and therefore, we must only create three hunters." Suji exclaimed strongly.

"We understand." The king intervened once again, glaring at his servant who kept on interrupting.

"Then I volunteer to be one of these vampire hunters." Minho stepped out, looking determined. "I'll hunt those vampires down until the ends of the earth if I have to."

Minho suddenly remembered all the corpses that he saw on their way to the palace. It made him remember when the enemy had killed his parents and everyone else on his village.

"Then, I'll do it too." The king stated. "This is my country and therefore, I have to defend it."

"If your majesty would do it, then I shall too." Joong Gi seconded.

"Let me clarify things. If you'll do it, there's no turning back. As you become a hunter, all your children would also become one as they're carrying your blood. You'll have the instinct of killing a vampire when as soon as you know of their identity." Suji exclaimed and the three men nodded in understanding.

Suji nodded, staring at the three people who would become the hunters. Suji immediately started the ritual and she couldn't help but tear up, thinking about her friends who be hunted down. She felt devastated for even making them into blood suckers. All Suji wanted was to be with them again, but fate never was on her side as the same thing happened over and over again. First, it was her parents and now, it was her dearest friends.


Jinyoung woke up, feeling nauseous and when he looked at his shoulder, he was shocked to see an arrow still stuck on it. He pulled it out carefully and hissed upon the pain that came with it but after quite a while, he noticed that his wound was healing in an incredible speed. He examined his injury and noticed that it was all healed that it looked like nothing had pierced through it. He checked his surrounding and noticed that he was somewhere in the forest. He suddenly remembered all the things that had happened to him, of what he had become and what he had done. He felt himself crying again when he remembered of what he had done to his brother.

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