Chapter 22: Secrets Revealed

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Jinyoung was incredibly worried when Jisoo lost her consciousness. He even thought about entering into Jisoo's head but even before he could enter her dreams, Jisoo's eyes fluttered open, revealing her shock face.

"Jisoo! Are you okay? What happened to you?" Jinyoung asked, caressing Jisoo's face.

"I— I'm fine." Jisoo stuttered, composing herself. "It was just a nightmare."

"Are you sure? I don't think it was just a bad dream though. You blacked out." Jinyoung stated, unconvinced by Jisoo's answer.

"It's because of this place. It's unfamiliar so it might have caused the nightmares. I'm alright." Jisoo lied. "What was that dream? Should I tell Jinyoung about it? Maybe not yet. I have to figure it out first." Jisoo thought.

"Alright then. If you say so." Jinyoung finally let go and pulled Jisoo into his embrace. "Now go back to sleep." He urged and Jisoo let herself be comfortable in between his arms.



I found myself standing just a few feet away from Lalisa as she was having her afternoon tea with the human girl. I couldn't help but notice how my master kept on visiting the human girl and it seemed like she was fond of her presence.

"Wow. This garden is beautiful." Jisoo commented as her eyes wandered around the place.

"Oh, right. This is your first time out from your room ever since you got here, haven't you?" Lalisa chuckled and I saw how her majestic aura changed into that of a friendly companion for that mere human.

I grimaced at the way the human girl treated Lalisa like her equal. She should be showing deference as she's in the presence of a queen. But since Lalisa was okay with it and she seemed to be happy, I decided to respect it nonetheless.

"This is where I always come if I wanted to be alone." Lalisa started. "This castle was especially built for the King to reside if it was his or her time to reign the vampire race. And I specifically ordered for this garden to be built since I like flowers." She continued. "I remember the time that Suji and I always went to pick flowers by the meadow."

"Suji—" Jisoo spoke, looking hesitant. "How did she die? And who buried her?"

Lalisa and I were shock hearing her question. "She got killed by one of the first Vampire Hunters." Lalisa answered, feeling hostile. "I don't really remember who buried her but we know where she was buried at and Jinyoung and I would always visit her grave."

"Then— I mean, don't you think that—" Jisoo cut off her own words, looking even more confused.

"What's wrong, Jisoo-ssi? Are you alright? You don't look well?" Lalisa asked, looking worried. "Bambam, can you escort Jisoo back to her room?"

"Of course, my queen." I bowed and went to approach the human.

I offered my hand to her, wanting to help her and she took it without any hesitation which made me surprise at first. It was the first time that a human didn't even show any fear towards me. I gently guided her back inside the castle, leaving Lalisa with her tea.

"i'm alright. I can find my way back." Jisoo stated, looking apologetic.

"My master ordered me to escort you back and it means safely. I believe if you wander around all alone, you'll become a walking blood bag to any vampires in here."

"Right." Jisoo choked. "Well, please take care of me then." Jisoo grinned.

"I know it's not my place to say this but, it would be better to just not do anything that may cause you harm in this place. And when I say anything, I mean you, keeping your nose out into matters that you shouldn't meddle with."

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