Chapter 15: The Starting Point

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"What's with the scarf, Chu?" Jennie asked as soon as Jisoo took a seat in front of her.

"What's with the scarf, Chu?" Jennie asked as soon as Jisoo took a seat in front of her

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"Oh! I— uh, you know how cold it is today. Winter is just around the corner, remember?" Jisoo exclaimed, securing her scarf tightly. "Ugh! How stupid can I be? Why did I even offer for him to bite my neck, if I could just have offered my wrist instead?" Jisoo scolded inside her head.

"Anyway, have you heard about our school Festival?" Jennie finally decided to change the subject, not knowing anything about what happened between jisoo and Jinyoung.

"School Festival?" Jisoo's interest had finally landed on Jennie fully.

"I forgot about the fact that you are new here. Anyway, the school festival is our annual celebration of the founding of this school. I usually love these times of the school year but the fact about those filthy vampires joining us is just— unthinkable." Jennie whined.

If Jennie was against the idea, Jisoo seemed to be ecstatic. A smile has graced her face without her knowing until Jennie had spotted it.

"What are you smiling on about?" Jennie asked suspiciously.

Jisoo's smile quickly faded. "What? Nothing." Jisoo answered quickly. "But I'm guessing that it would not be so bad to socialize with them, right? I mean the school wouldn't be enrolling vampires if they mean harm." Jisoo commented, earning her a displeased look from her cousin.

"Are you hearing yourself?" Jennie almost stood up from eating her porridge. "Yah! Don't forget the fact that their kind were the ones who caused your accident." Jennie reasoned out.

"But I don't even remember what really happened." Jisoo's eyes rolled towards Jennie.

"Exactly!" Jennie shrugged. "You couldn't remember. And the reason for that? Is because of them." Jennie deadpanned and finally left the table.


"What happened to you?" Jaebum finally broke the silence.

Jinyoung together with Jaebum were standing on a large branch of a tree, overlooking the vast area of a mansion in front of them. After Jinyoung had left Jisoo to change into something that could hide his bite marks on her neck, he decided to head over to the person who he thought could help him stop Mark of his evil plan that may harm not only their own kind but also the human kind. But thinking about humans, his mind was lingering on the image of Jisoo smiling warmly towards him. After what happened earlier between him and Jisoo, something inside Jinyoung had finally started. He knew deep inside him that Jisoo had finally found herself inside his heart and he would do anything for her to be safe.

"I have to talk with him." Jinyoung answered after a long pause.

"And I wonder why so suddenly?" Jaebum gave his friend a teasing look to which made Jinyoung blush a little. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me all the details. I just wanted to know if she's the reason why we came here."

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