Chapter 25: Trump Cards

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"Care to explain as to why the four you are cramped up in there?" Minhyuk smirked.

Jennie immediately went out from the closet while giving Minhyuk her famous glare. Youngjae followed right after and helped Jisoo out from getting out. When Yugyeom finally went out last, the group immediately surrounded Minhyuk.

"Yah! What do you guys think you're doing?" Minhyuk looked terrified when Jennie took out her gun. "Are you mad? Why are you taking out your gun?"

"Jen, stop that." Jisoo warned. "We don't have time for that."

Minhyuk suddenly realized that Jisoo was there. For all he knew, she was taken hostage. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here. You don't know what your father really—" Minhyuk stopped himself, cursing. "Damn it."

Youngjae suddenly realized something. "You knew?" He asked for confirmation. "About Master Jaejoong's secret?"

Minhyuk's eyes widen. "How did you know? Since when?" Youngjae asked again, looking aggressive this time. I swear, If you're with that vampire—"

"Are you nuts? Why would I follow a blood sucking monster like him? If only you saw how he sucked the life out from that woman, you would also tremble in fear!" Minhyuk defended. "I myself couldn't believe it. The leader of the Vampire Hunters is a vampire!"

"Shh! Quiet down will you?" Jennie nagged, craning her neck awards the door incase someone heard them. "Ugh. You're such a scaredy cat, that's all." She commented right after.

Minhyuk gritted his teeth, ready to retort back but then noticed Jisoo's terrified face. After hearing Minhyuk's story about her supposedly father, memories of the past where she considered him her real father came into Jisoo. She couldn't believe that she once cared for him and deep inside she felt sad too.

"Canyon just explain to me what's really going on here?" Minhyuk finally asked, breaking the short silence. "You need to explain to me fast. I still have to go back in that hellhole of a room. I don't want that vampire to notice something."

And so, for the nth time, Youngjae explained everything as briefly as he could.



By the time that Mark told me all about what was going on, Jisoo already left the castle. I shamelessly cursed at him and Jinyoung when they just let her go like that. I mean, it was too dangerous. When I was finally left all alone inside my personal vehicle, I came into thought that I might have really liked the human girl better that I thought I would. Even though after knowing that she left in order to save Suji who might still be alive, I still felt worried for that human.

"My queen. What are you thinking about?" Bambam suddenly touched my hand gently, waking me from my inner thoughts.

"I can't believe that Suji's alive." I stated honestly.

Bambam was the very first human that I turned, making him my most trusted ally and lover at that. I consider him my most precious companion that I didn't even think twice to share all my secrets and worries.

"I'm sure the human girl would find your Suji. And Count Jinyoung wouldn't let the human girl to get into danger." Bambam who was seated beside me at back of the car gave me an assuring smile in return.

"I do hope so." I smile flirtatiously as I leaned towards his face, thinking about making out with him but then the car suddenly stopped, making us alarmed. "What is it?" I asked Vernon who was driving the car.

"Hunters!" Vernon reported and hissed towards the hidden enemies outside the dark.

I snarled and eyes glowed red in anger. I was about to confront them myself but Bambam held me back. I turned around to tell him to let go but he just nodded in return, his eyes glowing red and fangs were bared.

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