Chapter 12: Rules

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Jennie was outrageous. She couldn't believe of what she just heard from the vampire in front of them. She believed she heard his name being called Mark and she swore that if he wouldn't still stop looking at Jisoo, she will definitely going to snatch the fork back from her brother and stuck it on to the vampire's head.

"Not now, Jen." Jennie heard Youngjae whisper to her.

"But—" Jennie wanted to protest but they all got interrupted by the sudden appearance of another vampire who immediately blocked Mark's view of Jisoo and the rest of his minions.

"Stop this at once, Mark."

"It's him." Youngjae's eyes widen upon seeing the familiar face. "Park Jinyoung."

"She's not her." Jinyoung stated. "She's not Suji."

"What?" Mark was taken aback by the information and tried to take a glimpse of Jisoo who was still hiding behind Jennie and the rest of her protectors.

"They may have the same face, but I'm telling you. She's not her." JInyoung repeated, this time more quietly and seriously. "So stop causing a scene. We're not supposed to be here and you know that."

Mark grunted and he knew that Jinyoung's right. He's one of those people who created this rule but somehow, hearing about Suji, he somehow had lost his sanity. He again looked back at Jisoo who seemed to be lost about everything and he realized that Jinyoung's right about her not being Suji.

"Let's go, Jackson." Mark exclaimed and disappeared like a flash of light.

Just after Mark had disappeared, Rose and Jaebum appeared by Jinyoung's side. They both eyed everyone cautiously, searching for some threat towards jinyoung.


Yugyeom's alarming voice broke the tension and they all saw Jisoo's slumped body onto the floor and Yugyeom kept on waking her. Jisoo was unconscious and Jinyoung unknowingly approached her, kneeling by her side. Jennie and Yugyeom instinctively wanted to block him but he was too fast for them and Youngjae had somehow managed to hold the siblings back.

"It's ok." Youngjae assured. "He's not going to hurt her in front of these people."

"Hyung's right. We still have to hide our identities." Yugyeom added, convincing his sister.

"We should take her to the infirmary." Jinyoung said, lifting Jisoo onto his arms.

"Jinyoung-ah." This time, Jaebum went to stop his friend. "I think it's better if you leave that task to her friends." He suggested and gave Jinyoung a knowing look.

Jinyoung didn't want to let go of Jisoo for some unknown reason but he knew that Jaebum was right. He shouldn't get involve anymore than he already was and so, he decided to give Jisoo towards Youngjae who immediately took Jisoo on to his arms.

"Just bring her back to her dorms after getting her check out at the infirmary. It would be better if she rests there. And safer." Jinyoung exclaimed before disappearing.


"Noona! Hey, noona— are you listening to me?" Yugyeom huffed in frustration when he saw his sister in a trance and spaced out.

The siblings were currently at the lounge area of their school. Youngjae was the one who insisted for Jennie to stay behind, leaving him with the task of taking Jisoo back to her dorms. Jennie wanted to come, telling them that she shouldn't leave Jisoo's side but both Youngjae and Yugyeom wanted her to stay in order for her brother to explain to her the Rules that she kept on forgetting.

"I shouldn't be here." Jennie grunted.

"Noona." Yugyeom sighed heavily. "Just— just think of it this way. If you wouldn't follow the Rules, then you'll still put Jisoo-noona in more danger."

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