Chapter 8: Descendants

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"We've arrived, Jisoo-ya."

I stirred in my sleep as uncle Junsu, my father's personal assistant and cousin at the same time woke me. I realized that I was at the back of our family car. It was the day that I got discharged from the hospital.

"Thanks, uncle Junsu." I smiled feeling grateful.

Uncle Junsu got out from the passenger seat and opened the back seat door. I also got out of the car and my eyes widen after seeing the huge mansion right in front of me. I couldn't believe at how big it was that I could only stare at it for a long time.

"Let's go." Uncle Junsu broke my reverie and ushered me towards the mansion.

" Uncle Junsu broke my reverie and ushered me towards the mansion

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"Jisoo, this is Butler Jo Jokwon. He manages all the household related works while Miss Jimin Park here will be your personal caretaker." Uncle Junsu explained.

" Uncle Junsu explained

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I just nodded half-heartedly, not so fond about the situation. First of all, I didn't like the idea of having a personal caretaker and second of all, I didn't like the thought of me living in this huge mansion all alone. Yes, that's right. I was supposed to live in this huge house all alone. I heard from uncle Junho that my father is rarely at home. Most of his time, he would stay at one of his condominiums for work related reasons.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you Mr. Jo, Ms. Park." I greeted them and they just bowed in return.

Miss Park went to accompany me into my room. As soon as I went inside, my eyes busied their selves scanning the wide and spacious room. It was styled simple but still, I didn't like how big it was. It made me feel more alone.

 It made me feel more alone

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