Chapter 7: Co-Existence

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Another attack was confirmed at the city of Seoul, Gangnam. A group of teenagers were slaughtered at the dark alleys of Seoul and most of them were children of very well known businessmen and politicians. it was believed to be the Vampires who had killed the young victims for their bodies were left drained with blood and bite marks were evident on their necks and arms. The police had already asked for the aid of the Vampire Hunters Association as they temporarily contained the victims' bodies as per requested by their families and friends until further instructions from the government.

Jisoo was curled up on her hospital bed watching t.v when the sudden news flashed on the screen. Her eyes widen by the horrifying news and she felt herself shiver upon seeing the dead bodies on the news.

"Vampires." Jisoo whispered to herself as she suddenly felt cold and quickly covered her body with her blanket even more. "I can't believe they exist."

Jisoo didn't know how much of her memories were lost due to the accident but when her uncle Junsu, her father's cousin and personal assistant had told her about the vampire existence, Jisoo found herself not believing it at first but today, after seeing the news, Jisoo suddenly felt afraid of the things happening outside her hospital room.

"Knock, knock!" A playful voice broke Jisoo's reverie.

Jisoo's head turned towards the door of her private hospital room and saw her uncle Junsu, waving the new book he brought for Jisoo to read. Jisoo beamed upon seeing her uncle and she quickly craned her neck i hoping to see another person but she frowned when her uncle was alone once again.

 Jisoo beamed upon seeing her uncle and she quickly craned her neck i hoping to see another person but she frowned when her uncle was alone once again

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"I'm sorry to disappoint you Jisoo-ya." Junsu's face fell upon seeing the frown coming from Jisoo's beautiful face. "Your father is very busy at the moment especially that there are too many vampire attacks that are happening lately." He explained further.

Jisoo just nodded in understanding, knowing all too well that her father was the head of the Vampire Hunters Association. But still, Jisoo wasn't sure as to why her father hasn't been able to visit her even once after the day that she woke up.

"Aww. Don't be sad, princess." Junsu cheered up, pinching Jisoo's cheeks gently. "I have good news for you." He exclaimed, smiling impishly at the young girl, looking excited. "You'll be discharged tomorrow!"

"Really?" Jisoo's eyes sparkled and she smiled so wide after hearing the good news.

"That's right, princess." Junsu chuckled seeing Jisoo jumped on her bed. "Now, why don't you start reading this book that I brought for you, eh?" Junsu stated, giving the book towards Jisoo's extended hand. "I'll be out for a moment to process your release from this hellhole." Junsu winked, making the girl laugh before finally exiting the room.


"The King is at it again." Rose groaned, sitting herself on Jinyoung's lap. "He's having a buffet out there. What about us, Jinyoungie?" Rose whined while fondling with Jinyoung's face.

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