Last Chapter: The Last Blood Moon

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I told mark everything that I was planning and made sure that he will pass it to the others stealthily. This would be more tricky since we're dealing with Kim Jaejoong himself and we have to make sure that he will be inside the magic circle by the time the blood moon will be on its peak. And also, I have to make sure that Jinyoung and the other vampires wouldn't be anywhere near the magic circle or they'll die instead.

Mark went to tell Lisa of the plan and they both went to help Jinyoung to fight against Jaejoong while my other friends were able to gather around and talked about the plan B.

"I could make Jaejoong stop from moving for a short moment but only enough to push him into the magic circle. But everything after that will be more complicated since I couldn't perform the enchantments while constraining him."

"Then it has to be the hunters to do this task." Youngjae said, earning him looks from his friends. "Since according to Jisoo no vampires should be allowed to be near that thing, of course, I'm talking about vampires on our side."

"But how? We're no match to that monster." Minhyuk-oppa whined.

"Don't worry. I already thought of this." I stated. "I need Minhyuk-oppa, Jennie and Youngjae's help on this." I added and I could see Yugyeom pouting.

"What about me?" Yugyeom looked somewhat disappointed.

"I'm sorry yugyeom. But I only need three hunters to perform the link spell with Jinyoung, Mark and Lisa." I answered and that's when everyone looked at me with their surprised looks. "That's right. I'm going to link you guys with the Original vampires for a short moment, just to buy us time to perform the spell for Jaejoong. You three should constraint Jaejoong inside the magic circle. Being linked with the Orinal vampires, you can have their strength and abilities."

I stared at Youngjae, then at Jennie and towards Minhyuk-oppa. They all looked serious and was in deep thoughts. It wasn't long after that Youngjae nodded.

"I'm in." Youngjae stated. "It's our life long mission to protect you, Jisoo. And I will do so."

Minhyuk-oppa chuckled. "I heard that my ancestor was quite villainous. I'll change our family's image then. I'll do it. F*ck that King."

"Then I'm—" Jennie started to say but we saw how Yugyeom took his sister's hand. "Yugyeom-ah." Jennie turned to face her younger brother. "Don't you trust your sis? Don't worry, I'll make sure to prove that even if we didn't come from the main branch of the Kim Clan, we can as well do this important duty."

"Please be safe, sister." Yugyeom exclaimed.

Jennie nodded and went to face us. "Let's do this."


I was in the middle of guarding Kim Junsu who looked tensed but didn't move an inch from where I imprisoned him. After a short while, another Hunter who called himself TOP entered the cellar with his men.

"TOP! What's going on out there? Did it start yet?" Junsu asked, looking restless.

"Calm down, Junsu." TOP said. "Jisoo and the others are on it." He added and then turned to face me. "And Bambam-ssi, I need you to go out there and keep your masters' bodies safe when they lose their consciousness. While the link spell are on, their bodies will be vulnerable. My people will make sure to protect Jisoo since Jisoo will also be vulnerable."

I didn't even answer back and just left the dark room. I quickly ran outside only to see Jisoo performing a spell towards the three vampire hunters. And that's when I noticed how a strong aura appeared around them. I saw the familiar aura of my mistress coming from the female hunter and that's how I saw Lalisa, Jinyoung and Mark stopped from fighting against Jaejoong. And they all just lose their consciousness. Jisoo did something that made Jaejoong to scream in pain as he clutches his head. And I saw Jaebum quickly dragged Jaejoong into the magic circle that Jisoo drew a while ago.

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