Chapter 10: Déjà Vu

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Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed and her lips kept on pouting to the person sitting on his high chair in front of her. Jisoo didn't move an inch on her seat inside a dark lit room. All they could hear was the moving air around the room coming from the air condition.

"Father—" Jisoo started, her eyes glued towards the man sitting in front of her.

"If you're talking about the unexpected thing that had happen to your new school, then I already know." Her father cut off. "So—" Jaejoong finally decided to lean towards his frustrated daughter. "What is it that you want me to do?"

Jisoo suddenly became quiet, her teeth tugging on her lips. Her eyes scanned the room swiftly, noticing that all the furnitures were looking very expensive and ancient. Jisoo thought that her father might be someone who likes to collect antiques.

"Jisoo, dear." Jaejoong called his daughter's attention. "Tell me what you want to do from now on. Do you want me to withdraw your admittance from that school or—"

"No!" Jisoo quickly interrupted. "I— I mean, you don't have to since I will be okay."

"I knew you'd say that." Jaejoong chuckled, earning him a questioning look from his daughter.

"What do you mean, father?" Jisoo asked. "Did you know that wanted to see you today?"

"Of course. I'm your father, Jisoo." Jaejoong exclaimed, standing up from his seat. "I know that you wouldn't like to run away from this, even though it scares you." Jaejoong smiled, kneeling in front of his daughter. "But are you sure about this? I mean, that school would be crawling with vampires day and night." Jaejoong asked in worry.

Hearing her father worry made Jisoo's heart warm up. All this time she thought that her father never cared for her. She thought that ever since her father stopped seeing her at the hospital and at their own home, her father didn't really love her. Jisoo's lips unknowingly perked up, showing her bright smile.

"Thank you for worrying about me, father." Jisoo squeaked, hugging her father at the same time. "And don't worry father. Jennie and the rest of my protectors will keep me safe." Jisoo assured.

"Very well." Jaejoong returned the hug. "Then, I think you should probably go back to school now."

"Yes, father." Jisoo beamed and finally went out from the room.

Just after Jisoo disappeared from the entrance door, Junsu showed up. Jaejoong went back to his seat and took the record book from Junsu's extended hand.

"Master, are you certain that it would be safe not to withdraw the young mistress from that school?" Junsu broke the dead silence.

"It would only make them suspect. Especially knowing that the school administrative are on their side now, they wouldn't think twice reporting those who decided to drop out. They would only hunt them down one by one." Jaejoong explained. "Just make sure she's well protected. And make sure they wouldn't expose their identities."

"Yes, master." Junsu bowed and left the room.


"Good work out there, Yang Hyunsuk-ssi. Or should I call you Mr. School President?" Mark smirked towards the head of the Parkyang High School.

"You're too kind, master." The old man kneeled in response.

Mark and together with his right hand man, Jackson were currently inside the VIP room where most of the school board were present at the moment. Mark was sitting at the high chair comfortably while Jackson was sitting on the table just beside Mark.

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