Chapter 24: Unexpected Allies

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I know I shouldn't be feeling this way. I feel confused knowing that Suji's alive. I kept staring at Jisoo's back as we walk our way towards Mark's private room to talk. As I stare at Jisoo, something inside me tells me that she'll disappear at any moment. I unknowingly took her hand, pulling her beside me.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked, looking at me with her big expectant eyes.

"If we get Suji back, what will you do?" I asked directly, making her flinch. "Are you going to leave my side?" I held her hand a little more tightly as I waited her to answer.

"I— I don't know Jinyoung. I mean, Suji's alive. Your Suji." She emphasized and I got taken aback. "Listen Jinyoung." Jisoo turned to properly face me. "I don't really have any idea what we are exactly." She started, her eyes staring at the floor below us. "I mean, what are we exactly?" She exclaimed, pulling her hands away from my grip.


We were interrupted when Jackson suddenly appeared in front of us. "The king expects you. You may enter now." He deadpanned, giving me his usual glare.

Jisoo and I entered the room. A lifeless human girl greeted us lying just below Mark's feet. I instinctively pulled Jisoo behind me, not wanting her to see this.

"Jinyoung! Here for some snacks? I still have some left waiting at the other room." Mark smirked and I just hissed back in disgust. "What brings you here? You even brought your human girl?"

"We came to tell you that I'm going back home." Jisoo stated confidently as she stood away from my back, appearing in front of Mark.

Mark's eyes glowed red. "Are you testing my patience, human?"

"Suji's might be alive." I finally said, making Mark stay still. "Jisoo saw Suji during one of her black outs." I further explained.

"We have to find her. She's the only one who can defeat King Jaejoong." Jisoo stated.

"What are you talking about? King Jaejoong?" Mark asked, looking more confused.

"He's alive too. And we believe he's the current leader of the Hunter Association." I said.



I was in the middle of walking back to my room. It was almost midnight when father and I finished talking about our next move. We talked about getting Jisoo back no matter what and that would be our next topic to be open up to the Vampire Jinyoung. When I was about to turn left, the secret passage to my right suddenly opened. I got my bow at the ready when I realized the person appeared at the entrance.


Jisoo looked up and her face lit up upon seeing me. She ran up to me and automatically dropped my weapon to embrace her.

"Youngjae! I'm so glad you're okay!" Jisoo exclaimed as I felt her tightening her arms around my neck. "What about Jennie and the others?"

"They're safe." I answered after the quick embrace. "But how did you—"

I was about to ask how did she get here when I noticed a pair of red glowing eyes in the dark behind Jisoo. I quickly took my weapon but soon realized that it was Jinyoung.


"It's alright Youngjae." Jisoo said and I lowered my weapon. "We have to tell you something."


Hours later:

"I can't believe this. The master Jaejoong is the real original Hunter jaejoong? And he's a vampire?" TOP still looked shock. "Does Junsu know of this?" TOP turned towards his son.

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