Chapter 3: Sacrifices

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"Well played, your highness." Joon Gi praised. "I wasn't expecting that you'd be writing the enemy to start the war earlier than we expected."

"With this, the king wouldn't have a choice but to send the general to war, leaving himself defenceless." Jaejoong exclaimed, feeling proud that his plan had succeeded. "So, what had become of the general?"

"I believe he's already half way towards the enemy, your highness." Joong Gi informed.

"Good. Now let's start our plan." Jaejoong smirked evilly.

"Your highness!" The chief Eunuch called out frantically.

"You may enter!" Joong Gi stated when Jaejoong had nodded for permission. "What is it?"

"Your highness! Something bad had happened! Your son—" The eunuch started making Jaejjong frown upon hearing something about his son. "He's sick! And he's getting worse, your highness."

Jaejoong quickly walked out from the room and headed towards the nursery where his only son was being taken care of. When he arrived, there were already a lot of servants, guards and physicians inside. Even the crown princess was already there, cradling the crying baby in her arms. Dara was crying too and Jaejoong quickly went towards his wife.

"What happened to our son? What's wrong with him?" The crown prince questioned.

"I'm afraid we don't know your highness. He caught some sickness that we haven't even encountered. It's the same with the King's illness, I'm afraid." One of the doctors revealed and Dara started to sob even louder.

Jaejoong and Joong Gi found themselves staring at each other. Joaejoong looked angry at first and then, it was followed with sorrow. He knew it had to do something with the poison that they used to the King. Something must have happened that the poisonous leaf had somehow been mixed with his son's milk. Jaejoong was horrified knowing that the poison had said to have no remedy.

"Your highness!" Dara exclaimed, still crying with the baby in her arms. "We have to do something! Anything! I can't— I can't let our son die! Please, your highness!" Dara begged.

Jaejoong was hopeless. He knew he couldn't save his son. Tears started to fill his eyes as he stood and walked out from the room. Just when everything had been according to his plan, his only son just had to be taken away. But Jaejoong didn't regret anything, not when it will give him the chance to rule Joseon.

"Your Highness— There must have been a mistake. The poisonous herb must have been mixed with your son's food." Joong Gi explained. "I'll find out who's responsible for it, your majesty." Joong Gi was about to leave his prince but Jaejoong raised his hand, stopping him.

"No need for that, Joong Gi." Jeajoong said. "We've come this far and there's no turning back now."


Dara was still weeping ever since yesterday that they have found out about her son's unknown illness. She frantic and didn't know what to do. She hadn't got any sleep at all thinking anything that could ease her son's cries. At the same time, the crown princess was furious as her husband seemed to not care at all. Jaejoong didn't even visit their son since yesterday after he ordered for all the wet nurse and servants that were assigned to take care of their child to be apprehended. Many physicians were already had gone in and out of the nursery to check on the sick child but there wasn't even a single good news from them.

"Your highness." Hyoni, one of Dara's handmaidens bowed before entering the nursery. "A letter for you, your highness." Hyoni then handed Dara a rolled up parchment.

"Thank you, Hyoni." Dara smiled, but it came out force.

Dara opened the letter as she kept lulling her son in her arms. Her eyes widen upon reading the content of the letter and she couldn't help but tear up when she finished reading the letter that Jinyoung had sent her. She quickly started to make preparations.

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