Chapter 16: Addicted to You

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As I reached our class back at the field, I was already pursing lips so hard that I could taste the iron coming from my bleeding inside lips. I was worrying too much about what was happening with Jinyoung and that other vampire.

"Hey Chu! Where have you been? I was worried sick!" Jennie suddenly appeared beside me, looking worried. I swear, don't you ever disappear like that okay?"

"Hey Jennie! The teacher is calling for you!"

"Ugh! What now?" Jennie hissed, looking annoyed. "I swear! I shouldn't have volunteered as the class president. Hey Chu. Just stay here, okay? Don't you ever wander around without me!" Jennie called out as she started to run towards the school building.

I took my chance and went back to where I had left Jinyoung but as soon as I reached the pathwalk leading to the backyard of the school, strong arms went to wrap around my waist and hauled us into the air and onto the short building's roofdeck.

"Park jinyoung?" I managed to squeak, looking embarrassed because of how close our faces were.

I noticed how he didn't move away from me and kept his head low and leaning onto my shoulders. I suddenly became stiff, feeling alarmed on how I kept hearing him inhaling my scent. It just so happened that he was leaning closely to my punctured neck.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as I pushed his body away slightly to look him on the face and I silently gasp seeing his red eyes and pained expression. "You're hungry, aren't you?"

Jinyoung immediately looked away, looking disappointed on how easy I could tell. He even looked displeased and angry and I didn't know why.

"You should have run away by now." Jinyoung stated. "You knew that I could hurt you, but why? Why didn't you just run away?" He asked, looking at me with sorrowful eyes.

"I told you that I would help you get through this." I deadpanned and started to loosen my scarf around my neck. "I don't know why you're being hard on yourself. But all I know is that you didn't choose to be a blood-sucking creature. I can tell, you know. I can tell just by seeing you right now. Seeing you struggle to stop yourself from drinking my blood."

I saw how Jinyoung's expression soften. He finally looked at me in the eyes. I smiled reassuringly and that's when I felt myself being pushed to the concrete wall. Jinyoung's fangs had already punctured my skin and my hands automatically went to wrap around Jinyoung's waist for support. After a few minutes, he finally stopped sucking but his arms were still around me, supporting my weight, knowing all too well that I was already weak.

"I'm sorry." Jinyoung whispered and went to wipe the streak of blood from my neck with his handkerchief. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

I just smiled. "I'm fine."

Jinyoung looked uncertain but chose to believe me. He sighed heavily and leaned his head on my shoulder once again. I didn't move, letting myself rest a little more.

"This is bad." I hear Jinyoung say. "At this rate, I might not be able to hold back anymore either."



Lately, I've been noticing that Jinyoung kept on staring at this Kim Jisoo girl. It ticked me off, knowing that Jinyoung has his eyes on some other girl except me. All my life, ever since I became a vampire, Jinyoung had always looked after me. He was especially caring towards me and the reason maybe because he felt responsible for turning me into a vampire but I don't really care. Even if he just looks at me like a sister, I would still love him but thinking that he might have some sort of a romantic feeling towards this human girl, it was unacceptable to me.

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