Chapter 17: Kim Suji

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Youngjae was walking along the empty hallways towards his father's office. He decided to pay him a visit to give his report regarding what had just happened between Jisoo and those vampires from earlier. Youngjae remembered meeting one of them during the first days of classes and introduced himself as Park Jinyoung. Youngjae knew that there was something going on between Jisoo and that Park Jinyoung and so, he decided to consult this matter to his father.

"Your father is waiting inside, young master." Siwon exclaimed and went to open the door for me.

I went inside and saw my father sitting on his usual high chair. "Father." I greeted and went to sit in front of him.

"So how was she? She isn't hurt, is she?" My father asked, looking worried and calm at the same time.

"Jisoo's fine." I answered. "Don't worry, father. You personally chose me to protect her, and I will." I added.

Ever since Jisoo's sudden appearance in front of the Vampire Hunter's Association, the Choi household became more aware of their duty to protect especially when it came to Jisoo. And when I asked my father about it, he told me about Choi Minho's story, the very first Vampire Hunter in our family.


A few months ago:

"Father, you called me?" Youngjae asked as soon as he entered his father's office.

"Yes, yes. Come and sit. I have something to tell you." Top told his son.

"What's the matter, father? Did something happen? Why are you looking so troubled?" Youngjae asked worriedly, seeing his father's serious look. "I heard that the Lord Jaejoong called you in his office? What happened? Did he found out about our secret uprising against him?" Youngjae continued, looking troubled by the time as well.

"No. Everything is still unknown to them, thankfully." Top answered. "Actually, it wasn't only me who got called. Junho and Heechul were also summoned.

"Oh? It seemed like a serious matter for all the Heads to be summoned." Youngjae noted.

"The Lord had introduced us to his daughter." Top answered back, causing the boy to flinch a little. "Her name is Jisoo. And he wanted us to send someone in our household to protect her."

"Daughter? Does the Lord even had one before?" Youngjae was still shocked by the revelation.

"We all became shocked too but the Lord Jaejoong told us about him choosing to hide her ever since she got in a comma due to an accident. He wanted to hide her from the vampires that may came after her."

"Sp she finally woke up? Is that why he suddenly summoned you three and even ordered you to send someone to be her personal bodyguards?" Youngjae exclaimed, looking incredulous.

"I decided to have you protect the girl, Youngjae." Top stated, making his son gape.

"You what? Father—"

"Let me tell you a story." Top cut in, staring firmly towards his son. "About the first Hunter in our family, Choi Minho. As you already know, Choi Minho was a very skilled archer and a nomad. He became all alone ever since his family got massacred."

"Right. You don't have to tell me about the tragic background of our family ancestor all over again, father." Youngjae stated, feeling bored already.

"But I skipped some parts of that story, son." Top said, gaining his son's interest. "A girl whose name was Kim Suji appeared and everything had changed to Choi Minho's life ever since then."

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