Vampire 101

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"Vampires: Immortal, blood-sucking demons

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"Vampires: Immortal, blood-sucking demons. Vampires are real, they exist in every city and every state....... on the continents. These creatures are of the darkest parts of hell. They have the power and ability to control your mind, seduce your spirit, adapt to sunlight, and render themselves invisible. They are deadly, they must be destroyed. A cross however won't repel them. But a stake to the heart will kill them. But what's the worst about them is the bloodlust -- they need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire until it's too late."

Vampires are sentient beings that have traded their soul for magic powers - they are sustained by blood magic. They are soulless and thus considered as dead beings though they are still sentient, with blood magic affecting all their ways of life including their diet and biology. Since they lack souls, the only way they can sustain their existence is by stealing the life force of other living beings - this includes stealing souls and feeding on crystals, but mostly by drinking the blood of others.

The vampires of Earth are undead, diseased persons who are hated, hunted, and misunderstood by the living. Whether they consider themselves cursed or blessed, or whether they have given into their animalistic instincts or have sought to rid the world of the disease, vampires are nonetheless considered abominations.

The vampire is one of the most powerful and feared of all the undead. While they are typically incredibly fast and unnaturally strong, fear of vampires is abnormally great due to their ability to infect others, a fate often described as worse than death. Vampires tend to be organized into many different clans called covens; in fact, there are only 3 covens which beloned to the 3 Original Vampires.


The most defining characteristic of vampires is their unnatural, insatiable need for blood. Human blood is preferred as it is more nutritious, but animal blood can also be drunk. Blood may not be needed to stay "alive", but doing without it can cause a vampire to become extremely weak and rabid, though some types of vampires will instead become stronger and more vampiric. However, they will still become rabid after too long without blood. The one who is fed upon may or may not have a decreased lifespan but the vampire quenches its thirst. A vampire who has not fed for three days or more has golden eyes while the ones that feed have red eyes.


All vampires look alike and distinctly different from unaffected people, as they have a well defined face that looked ethereal.

Vampires would often choose to hide their pale appearance using make-up, contact lenses for their red eyes. In this form, their skin is flawless and reflective; their nails like glass; and their hair glossy. As they lose all natural fluids, with the exception of blood, vampires are infertile.

They do not age. Their features are refined and perfected (including their voices), rendering them supernaturally beautiful to lure in prey. Being technically deceased, vampires can be noticed by their lack of body heat and heartbeat. They do not require oxygen, water, or food.

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