Chapter 9: Drastic Change

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It's been days ever since uncle Junsu introduced me to my supposedly protectors and since then, uncle proposed for them to stay at the mansion with me for the time being. When they heard about my bargain of living at the school dorms at the start of school, my uncle assured me that he would talk to my father about it and so, I was stuck in the mansion for the time being.

"Hey princess."

Jennie suddenly appeared in my line of sight, breaking my inner thoughts. I was at the pool by the gardens and I was currently swinging myself on the hanging chair by the largest tree. Jennie decided to sit on the other chair beside mine.

"Hey, Jennie." I smiled warmly. "And will you please stop calling me princess?" I nagged, making her chuckle. "Hearing that makes me cringe." I added playfully.

"Fine." Jennie chuckled.

"Where are the others?" I asked when I noticed that the boys weren't around.

Ever since they were given the task of protecting me, the four of them, including Jennie would always be hanging around me, well maybe except one. Minhyuk was very showy about not liking the idea of guarding me. Jennie would usually be by my side while Yugyeom and Youngjae would be somewhere close and visible.

 Jennie would usually be by my side while Yugyeom and Youngjae would be somewhere close and visible

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"Pfft." Jennie's face contorted. "My brother is pestering Youngjae again, wanting to learn to shoot arrows from him. "And let's see, Minhyuk's probably out there, not doing his duty, again."

"Yah! I heard that!"

Jennie and I jumped on to our seats and quicly threw our heads towards the direction of the pool where Minhyuk was readying himself to dive on to the waters. I flinched when I saw him marching his way towards us. Jennie bravely stood up from her seat while I was practically shaking of what was about to happen.

"You little piece of—" Minhyuk stopped himself from cursing at Jennie, knowing that I was there.

"Just admit it, Lee." Jennie started. "You never wanted this at all, do you?" Jennie retorted, looking disgusted. " Then just quit! We don't need you here at all!" Jennie spat hatefully.

"Jennie-yah—" I tried to stop her but got cut off.

"Shut your mouth, you shit!" Minhyuk cursed, pointing his finger at Jennie. "Your family isn't even part of the Kim Clan's main family! Your pitiful family is just a minor part of it!"

Jennie's confident face suddenly became gloomy, making Minhyuk smile in victory. I was confused as to what Minhyuk meant to say about Jennie belonging to a minor family. I was about to ask but Jennie decided to just walk out, leaving me alone with Minhyuk.

"Jennie-yah!" I called but she was already out of sight. "You've gone too far this time." I said, looking at Minhyuk accusingly.

"Tsk. Whatever." Minhyuk rolled his eyes at me and left the vicinity.

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