Chapter 5:

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Clawdeen smiled sweetly at you as you bit into an apple. Her sketchbook laid out infront of you, and you flipped through it.

"Oh, I like this one." You complimented. A beautiful pink dress had caught your attention, and the details in it made your heart race.

"You do?" Clawdeen sat on the edge of her chair as she studied your face.

"Yeah! Look, it has the beads too!"

She smiled widely and blushed.

"You-You actually like my stuff?"

"Yes!" You laughed, and you tossed your apple core into a nearby trashcan. "You have an amazing talent for these things!!"

Clawdeen froze, her smile never falling. She smiled even wider and a blush crept up to her ears.

"Do you wanna help me?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

She grabbed the ends of the table and held onto them tightly. "Do you wanna model for me?"

You frowned. You had never been one for modelling. Not that you wouldn't like it!

"Oh." You sighed.

She stopped. "What?"

She let go of the table and scrambled to get your attention. "What's wrong? Did I do something?!"

"I'm not a good model!" You laughed a bit.

"Yes you are!!" She tried. "We can go to the mall after school and get some fabric. I can make that dress!!"

Your frown grew. "But...then wouldn't it be made to fit me? And not just anyone?"

"Yes! I'll make you the dress!" Her desperation grew, and you noticed her panicked expressions.

Just accept it. Don't let your own insecurities drown her inspiration.

Don't be selfish.

"You know what?" You smiled. "Let's do it!"

Clawdeen squealed with excitement and pulled you into a tight hug. Her fur jacket infected your lungs with the itchy wool, and you tried your hardest not to inhale. The taste of her perfume was bad enough.

"We can go after school!" She yelped.

Her voice was muffled to you, her clothes drying up most of the sound as if it were water.

"Y-Yeah!" You choked out.

"Oh, I'm so excited!"

"Me t-too!"


You looked around the hallway as you exited your last class of the day. Students swarmed the halls, scaring you from walking to the front of the building.

Which way do I go again?


You turned to look at the owner of the voice, snapping you from your trance. Clawdeen's brown hair bounced behind her as she jogged to you. You smiled at her sweetly.


She grinned and stopped infront of you, earning a few grumbles from the other monsters in the hall. She bounced on her heels.

"You're energetic." You joked, and you moved down the hall in the direction that most monsters were going.

She followed like a puppy.

She's technically a that offensive?

"So, I was thinking that we could get a ride from Clawd to the mall!!" She exclaimed, trying to shove past students.

"Clawd..." You hummed. "Is that your brother?"


"Oh. He's dating that pink girl...uh..."


"Right. Is she coming with us?"

"No!" Clawdeen latched herself onto your arm. "It's just us!"


You walked quickly, ignoring the strange glances thrown your way. Clawdeen, however, tried her hardest to keep up. She was normally the fast walker, yet she seemed to follow just fine.

💜💜💜💜💜Clawdeen P.O.V💜💜💜💜💜

"Here!" I said, and I opened the smooth black door. Clawd grinned.

"Hey, get in the back." He hummed.

"I am." I rolled my eyes. "Why do you think I opened the back door?"

He shook his head and watched as I slid in. (Y/N) followed suit. Clawd turned in his spot and stretched his arm out over the passenger seat. He smiled at her and glanced at me.

"So...(Y/N), right?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, that's me."

"It's nice to meet you, sorry for my sister's rudeness."

I grinded my teeth together and looked out the window, ignoring his taunting glare.

He knows she's my best friend... he's going to steal her just like he did Draculaura.

Why would he? You crushed on Draculaura, you don't crush on (Y/N).


His smile pressed itself into my mind. He was going to coax her into liking him.

Is he going to ditch Draculaura then?

"You got it?" He chuckled.

I turned to (Y/N). She squinted her eyes in irritation as she fumbled with the seatbelt. Her face heated up with aggression. Profanities spilled from her lips as she grumbled on about the buckle.

So cute!

"Here." I reached over and led the seatbelt to the buckle and pushed down. It didn't click, and I shoved it down more. Still no click.

"What the hell is wrong with your seatbelt?!" I cried, slamming it together repeatedly.

"Nothing, you're just not doing it right." Clawd groaned.

I messed with it some more, cursing under my breath as I waited for the clicking sound. Finally it clicked in, allowing me to give Clawd a dirty look from the corner of my eye. He returned the gesture.

(Y/N) gave a tight smile and exhaled. Her hair was frizzed and her chest rose and fell as she leaned back in her seat. I snapped my head to Clawd's direction.

He was definitely getting off on the sight.


"Are we going or not?" I frowned.

Clawd turned back around and gripped the steering wheel.

"Yeah, yeah." He sighed, and he put the car in drive.

Longest, 5 minutes, ever.

"Where are we going again?" (Y/N) looked at me innocently.

"The mall!" I reminded her.

She nodded. "Okay."

I looked back at the window. I felt Clawd's stare at me, and I looked in the rearview mirror to meet his glare.

Without thinking, I returned it.

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now