Chapter 22:

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Clawdeen shut your bedroom door carefully, being careful not to wake your peaceful sleeping figure that lay motionless in your bed. She tiptoed through the dark and sat her bag in the corner of your room.

She felt terrible for getting to you so late. She knew how much you wanted to cuddle with her, and she kicked herself mentally for making you wait so long that you had went to sleep. She wanted to cry from the pain of hurting your feelings, and she could only imagine how upset you had been as you slept. She couldn't believe herself. How could she put those...creatures above you?

She looked down at her clothing and frowned. Her clothes were bloodstained and muddy, leaving her looking like a mess. She didn't want you to see how disgusting her clothes were!

Slowly, she stripped them off and quietly sat them on the ground. Once she had changed, she threw the clothes in the trash. She didn't mind throwing them out, they weren't more important than your innocence.

Clawdeen stared at the trashcan with a frown. You definitely would see the clothes if you looked in the trash bin. She couldn't let that happen!

Clawdeen grabbed a piece of paper and covered the clothes, but was still unsatisfied with its coverage. She dug in the trash bin and put the ruined clothes in the bottom. Then, she piled the rest of the trash on top. That still didn't satisfy her.

She grumbled to herself silently and pulled the bag from the bin before tying it into a knot and, being sure to tiptoe, made her way through the house. She stepped outside of your home, the cool breeze whipping her bare legs. She slowly made her way to the large trash bin you had outside and threw the bag in before closing the lid.

Clawdeen smelled something in the air, something metallic and nasty. She lifted her arm to sniff it and pulled back in disgust. She smelled like blood and dirt.

She huffed as she made her way inside and to the bathroom, and she stripped quickly and hopped in the running water. It covered her body from head to toe, and slowly she washed off the dirt and grime and blood that had gathered over her. She took a glance at her nails. They'd have to be painted and cleaned, as her polish was chipped and her nails were black from muck.

Clawdeen stepped from she shower after she was clean and dried off before sliding her clothes back on. Then, she tiptoed to your room again and carefully shut the door. Clawdeen wasted no time in crawling under the blankets with you. She adjusted them and pulled them up over your shoulder, trying to tuck you in as if you were still awake.

She curled up behind you, laying only her hand on your side as she breathed deeply in and out, enjoying your scent. The darkness covered the light blush she held.

She sighed contently. Finally, they were out of her way. Finally, you wouldn't have to deal with them. Finally, they'd leave you alone and let only Clawdeen enjoy you. Finally, you and her could be free from their judgement and their flirting and their stress and their problems and their everything. Finally she was free of everyone who held her down.

And now, with only you as her biggest fan, she could do what she's always wanted to do. Finally, she could make a name for herself in the fashion industry!

Clawdeen knew you'd support her, regardless of what anyone else thought or felt or said. She knew you'd be her best friend and lover through it all, and the excitement of what has yet to come was overwhelming.

She snuggled closer to you, delighted at the warmth that seeped from your body and into hers. She absorbed it needily, leeching off of your heat. You stayed still, the sleep still keeping you unconscious through everything that had happened. Your obliviousness was what made you cute, Clawdeen decided.

You had no idea the efforts that Clawdeen had put in for you. You had no idea the kind of struggle she had to deal with. You didn't know about the burden she'd forever carry. But she didn't care. You were hers and hers only, finally unchained from the so called friends.

She felt sleep cover her like a blanket, and before she had realized she was half asleep, listening to the sounds of your breathing yet enjoying the dream she played over and over in her head. Soon enough, sleep fully took her, succumbing her to the darkness like she had so badly needed.

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