Choice 2: Stay In The Bedroom

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You sat on the bed quietly, your mind racing and your heart going just as fast. You loved Clawdeen, but you wanted to be free!!!

But you didn't want it bad enough to do anything to stop her.

Your heart dropped. You loved her. It would be okay. It would always be okay as long as she was there.

Your breathing slowed and you reeled your mind back in. She would fix everything. All you had to do was stay put.

Just stay in the bedroom.

Just stay in the bedroom.

Just stay in the bedroom.

You sat for a while, not thinking about anything other than staying put. By the time you had came back to reality, you realized it was dead silent in the house.

With anxiety building up through your throat, you stood and made your way to the door.

Just stay in the bedroom.

Just stay in the bedroom.

You thought it over. Should you walk out? You pressed your ear to the door, attempting to hear anything that might have helped you distinguish what exactly was going on.

Just stay in the bedroom.

It was very quiet, too quiet for your liking. An uncomfortable crawl made it's way down your back, and you wriggled around to get rid of the feeling. You glanced to the bathroom, who's door hadn't been shut fully. Not wanting to be around a corpse much longer, you stood and darted to the door. You opened it hastily and stuck your head out to see if you could see anyone alive.

Clawdeen stood infront of the hall with her back facing you. She sniffed the air in an animal-like imitation and stiffened. She knew you were looking out of the bedroom.

"C-Clawdeen?" You called, your nerves making you tremble like a leaf. If you were already caught, why not fully out yourself now?

Quickly, she whirled around. She glared, then her golden eyes opened into a shocked expression.

"Come on!" She called. "Hurry!"

You stood and jogged with Clawdeen

Together, you two made your way out from the house and onto the street. She ran full force, while you hung back a bit due to your lack of physical ability. You turned to look back at the house that had harboured you and Clawdeen. Guilt ate at you.

Your life was over. You knew it.

2 years later:

You sat on the couch and picked at your nails anxiously. You glanced at the clock. Clawdeen should have been home.

You stood and began pacing the floor. She should have been home. She should have been back from work.

You picked at your nails more and ran a hand through your hair. Your breathing became ragged and your heart beat sounded throughout your chest. Where was she?

More importantly, who was she with?

You began to cry, the image of another girl latched onto Clawdeen had your emotions all over the place. You stopped instantly and steadied yourself.

Clawdeen didn't like it when you had too much anxiety.

The door opened slowly, and you scurried to it to welcome her home. She stripped herself of her shoes and entered the small, dingy apartment that you two had begun living in. She smiled at you warmly.

"Sorry for the wait, love. I know you get worried easily."

"I-I just... I'm just so happy to see you!" You flung your arms over her and pulled her into a large hug.

"I have something for you." She smiled, and she pulled away and bent down on one knee.

Uh oh.

Oh no.

"Will you marry me?" She pulled a ring from her pocket and held it out for you.

Fear and adrenaline rushed through you. No no no. You didn't want this at all. You wanted to go home!

"Yes." You said, and she slipped the ring on your finger before pulling you into a kiss.

You began to cry, hopelessness filling you. You were never leaving her. You were never going to get out.

You sunk to the floor and bawled. She gave you a quick kiss on your forehead and pulled away again. "I'm going to make dinner. I love you."

You allowed her to leave without a response from you.

Your life was over.

You were now a slave.

You shouldn't have stayed in that damned bedroom.



Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now