Chapter 18:

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You relaxed against your mattress as you ran your fingers through Clawdeen's hair. She laid against your stomach, comfortable in her curled up position. You were on the verge of sleep, and you finally allowed yourself to nod off into a light slumber.

Clawdeen, however, replayed the earlier scenario. You were actually being nice to them! You were being friendly with people that didn't agree with your relationship! Why would you try to keep the peace? Clawdeen knew she could take them all on at once, so there was no reason for you to have been as friendly as you were.

It bothered Clawdeen to no end. You were only supposed to be friendly with her. Only Clawdeen was supposed to receive your smiles and giggles and reassuring words. Only she was supposed to see you in such a sweet state. Why did the others get to?

They were your ex friends for heavens sake! Did you really have no sense of right and wrong in a relationship? Did you really not know what boundaries were, and more importantly what Clawdeen's boundaries were? Did you even care about Clawdeen's boundaries? To Clawdeen, it didn't seem as if you cared at all.

Clawdeen looked up at your resting face. You sensed she was staring and woke up immediately.

"What's up?" You asked, rubbing the back of Clawdeen's head.

"I don't like it when you talk to them." She pouted.

"Talk to who?"

"Y'know, Frankie and them. It bothers me. I don't want you talking to them anymore."

"Huh?" You lifted yourself and propped up on your elbow. "Why?"

Clawdeen inhaled. It was only natural that you'd want to know why, especially if she was going to prevent you from doing something that seemed so innocent.

"Well, it makes me upset." She examined as if she were talking to a child. "They didn't like us being together, couldn't you tell?"

You shook your head no. "They seemed supportive to me."

"Yeah, well it was fake." She deadpanned. "I just don't like it, (Y/N)."

You shrugged. You had never been in a real relationship before, and doing what she asked seemed reasonable. She didn't like them now, so neither did you. Easy.

"Sure, babe." You gave her a half smile. "I don't understand, but I'll avoid them for you."

Clawdeen grinned and gave your belly a small peck kiss. "Thank you!"

Clawdeen laid back down, now feeling much more comfortable in the relationship than she did before. Now that she had you doing what she wanted, you were sure to not leave. Not that that was her intention, of course. But if you were willing to make sacrifices for her, then surely that was a good sign?

She hoped it was. Clawdeen didn't know what she'd do if she couldn't have you. You were worth everything in the world.

She snuggled closer to your stomach, feeling comfortable in the silence that you had created. It wasn't often that you relaxed in comfortable silence.

Normally, Clawdeen would be talking your ears off. Not that you minded it, but it was nice to have a moment of quiet and tranquility.

You slowly closed your eyes and enjoyed Clawdeen's presence. You felt safe and warm with her there, making you wonder how you ever could deny her in the first place.

You stopped yourself. You thought you were straight. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't help how you felt.

You inhaled deeply, letting the air expand your lungs and bring your anxiousness and self shaming back to being nonexistent. Then, you exhaled. You pictured you were exhaling everything bad from your system, making the deep breaths easier and easier to do.

You were lost in thought when Clawdeen pulled away. The cold air hit your body, and you shivered from the goosebumps that formed.

"I'm hungry. Are you?" She asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, I could eat."

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now