Chapter 27:

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You laid in your empty bed that night, shaking and scared of what was coming. You tossed and turned, staring at your alarm clock for the time. It was only 2:46 in the morning. You waited impatiently, the anxiety eating through you. What felt like a nervous excitement bubbled through you, and you couldn't tell if you were just terrified or genuinely ready to leave.

You turned around again, this time looking at your window. As you counted down the minutes, you felt vomit make its way up your throat. You swallowed hard, ignoring the signals your body gave you.

You were scared, and if you said otherwise you knew you'd be lying. You were absolutely terrified. Clawdeen was going to get you. Clawdeen was going to get you like she got the others.

You swallowed a hard lump in your throat and tried to focus on the positive things. You rambled through your mind for something positive for the situation you had gotten yourself into. You knew you'd never make it out alive. You didn't know how long it would take police to am find you.

The uncertainty and the confusion angered you. Why did you have to be the one to get in trouble? Why did you have to be the one to lead on a stranger?

Leaves and twigs crunched outside your window, and you jumped up with your bag in your hand. Clawdeen opened the window and slid in, closing it behind her.

"Here." She spoke. "Hand me the bookbag."

You shook your head no. "I-I, I got this." you assured.

She sighed and snatched it from your fingers, throwing it over her shoulder before expertly crawling from the window. You handed her bag after bag through the window, obeying her every demand and answering her every question.

Finally, you crawled through and made your way to her.

She led you through the woods and to a bus station, where you waited outside until the bus arrived. The bus pulled up with a screech, and you hopped on along with Clawdeen.

"Don't worry, I'll give us a better life." She assured.

You felt tears prick your eyes. "I was just fine with my old life."

"You'll be more satisfied with this one." She promised, and she grabbed your hand as you leaned away from her. "(Y/N), I promise you will be."

"I don't trust you." You admitted.

"I'll gain that trust back." She pleaded. "Please, don't pull away."

You furrowed your brows. Just hours ago she was threatening your life, and then she wanted to be sweet? You were confused with her change of attitude, and you hoped you could use it to your advantage. You didn't try, however, as her earlier threats still haunted your mind.

She seemed almost desperate as she held onto you, clinging onto you as if she were to disappear if you were gone. She acted as if her life depended on you, and it disgusted you. Everything she did disgusted you after what she had done. Nothing was cute or sweet anymore, and it seemed as if Clawdeen realized that she made a mistake.

"Please, (Y/N), I'll never do it again!" She begged. "Just-Just look at me!"

"Shut up!" Another voice yelled from the back of the bus, and Clawdeen stood quickly to see who had said it.

Instinctively, you grabbed her, stopping her from doing something she would regret. She didn't seem to care, as she shook you off and tried to start walking.

You huffed. "This is why I'm fucking mad." You admitted. "Everything needs to be taken to the extreme with you."

You nearly laughed at yourself. A couples quarrel with a murderer? That was something you never expected to happen.

Clawdeen sat down and huffed, not making a move to go to the back and see who had started a problem.

"Happy?" She seethed.

"Yes, very." You rolled your eyes. "I'm ecstatic that I got kidnapped and get to watch you nearly kill people."

"Oh, shut up." She crossed her arms. "I'm doing this for you. You know that, right?"

You ignored her and turned to look out the window. You breathed in and out slowly, sleep threatening to take over you. You allowed it to, enjoying the slumber you had fallen into.

Clawdeen smiled at your peacefulness. She felt whole, she felt safe. You were her home, she realized. You were her safe haven.

Fervid ((Yandere Clawdeen Wolf x F! Reader))Where stories live. Discover now